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12/30/2020 News & Commentary – National Security

12/30/2020 News & Commentary – National Security

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. America's rule of law v. China's 'rule by law'

2. Signing of the RCEP and the Future Asian Order

3. Now is not the right time to split NSA and CYBERCOM

4. Pivot to Asia? We've Been Here Before and It Doesn't Work

5. Competition Is What States Make Of It: A US Strategy Toward China - Analysis

6. JBLM colonel accused of beating wife, threatening suicide during police stand-off

7. Fort Drum soldier, teen charged in death of Army corporal

8. Kim Philby: new revelations about spy emerge in secret files

9. Five Books That Explain the World By James Stavridis

10. New Low-Yield Nuclear Warheads That Biden Calls A "Bad Idea" Have All Been Delivered

11. Wuhan coronavirus infections may be 10 times higher than reported, China CDC study finds

12. A NATO In Asia? Not Going to Happen

13. Biden's Incoming National Security Adviser Faults Pentagon's 'Obstruction'

14. Even If It's 'Bonkers,' Poll Finds Many Believe QAnon And Other Conspiracy Theories

15. How Conspiracy Theories Like QAnon May Have Discouraged Postelection Violence

16. Opinion | Trump’s worst pardon is one you haven’t heard about


1. America's rule of law v. China's 'rule by law'

The Hill · by Joseph Bosco · December 29, 2020


“Congress should consider legislation declaring China’s contemplated new law a nullity and prohibit any U.S. cooperation to “repatriate” Taiwanese citizens to China. It also should revive the Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act (TIPA) and extend its provisions to any Chinese regime actions against individual Taiwanese.

As for America’s own rule-of-law issues, after the fate of the U.S. Senate is decided in Georgia on Jan. 5, Congress should meet its constitutional obligation to certify the 2020 election, restore “domestic tranquility,” and begin repairing America’s status as the world’s leading democracy.

It also should address the need for the federal and state governments to examine their respective roles in generating higher confidence in the 2022 and 2024 elections than was evident in 2020. Achieving greater uniformity in the 50 state systems would be a good place to start.”


2. Signing of the RCEP and the Future Asian Order

thediplomat.com· by Oba Mie · December 30, 2020

Again, one of our biggest strategic mistakes of the 21st Century will be the withdrawal from the TPP.


3. Now is not the right time to split NSA and CYBERCOM

c4isrnet.com · by James Di Pane · December 29, 2020


"And let’s not forget the timing. Right now, the U.S. government is reeling from a massive breach by suspected Russian hackers with sweeping consequences, making this an inopportune moment for large organizational changes that could hinder cyber operations.

Both the former commander, Adm. Michael Rogers, and current commander, Gen. Paul Nakasone, have expressed caution about ending the arrangement prematurely. Both have said the arrangement works and enables the close relationship between the two organizations.

The two organizations operate under different legal authorities. Cyber Command draws its authorities from Title 10, which governs military forces, and NSA usually operates under Title 50 governing intelligence functions. This mirrors how cyber operations work as well, with the need for close collaboration between intelligence and military operations.”


4. Pivot to Asia? We've Been Here Before and It Doesn't Work

The American Conservative · by Lyle Goldstein · December 30, 2020

As a student of Asian security my bias is for a focus on Asia.  We have been pivoting to Asia since the early Obama administration. But what do we have to show for it?  I am glad we recognize the importance of Asia but as a global power with global interests and global responsibilities we do a disservice to our national security when we try to set these kinds of priorities.  Yes strategy is about prioritization of ways and means but I think we need more depth to our strategy than bumper sticker talking points such as a pivot to Asia. 


5. Competition Is What States Make Of It: A US Strategy Toward China - Analysis

eurasiareview.com · by Kaleb J. Redden · December 30, 2020

This is a strategy tutorial from NDU. "This article provides a U.S. strategy for this challenge."


6. JBLM colonel accused of beating wife, threatening suicide during police stand-off

thenewstribune.com · by Stacia Glenn

Another tragic situation for our Regiment, the Army, and the nation.  At the same time we just had the 7th SFG NCO in the incident in Illinois.  And we have another violent incident involving soldiers from Fort Drum.


7. Fort Drum soldier, teen charged in death of Army corporal

armytimes.com · by The Associated Press · December 29, 2020

Another tragedy.


8. Kim Philby: new revelations about spy emerge in secret files

The Guardian · by Owen Bowcott · December 30, 2020

There is always more to the story.  And history is never final.


9. Five Books That Explain the World By James Stavridis

Bloomberg · by James Stavridis · December 29, 2020


10. New Low-Yield Nuclear Warheads That Biden Calls A "Bad Idea" Have All Been Delivered

thedrive.com · by Joseph Trevithick · December 29, 2020


11. Wuhan coronavirus infections may be 10 times higher than reported, China CDC study finds

foxnews.com · by Alexandria Hein | Fox News

I have not seen Wuhan coronavirus use lately. We should remember that it was the Chinese in January 2020 that first used the names Wuhan pneumonia and Wuhan virus.  It was not a name invented in the US.  Of course immediately following this the Chinese propagandists realized their mistake and worked to change the narrative that brought blame on China.  But now we have the "UK variant" and we have no issue tying the variant to a specific country.


12. A NATO In Asia? Not Going to Happen

The National Interest · by Zhuoran Li · December 29, 2020

Another Marshall Plan, another Goldwater Nichols, and another NATO are probably the three most overused analogies in national security dialogues.  But we are unlikely to see a military organization along the lines of NATO in Asia.  We need the Quad and Quad Plus to develop in accordance with the security conditions and the national identities of the countries in Asia.


13. Biden's Incoming National Security Adviser Faults Pentagon's 'Obstruction'

NPR · by Philip Ewing · December 29, 2020

Again, not a good look.


14. Even If It's 'Bonkers,' Poll Finds Many Believe QAnon And Other Conspiracy Theories

NPR · by Joel Rose · December 30, 2020

Please go to the link to view the data, graphs, and responses to some of the survey questions.

It boggles my mind that so many Americans believe in conspiracy theories and disinformation.  Especially QAnon.

But I guess there are those who follow people Michael Flynn.  He is now apparently hawling QAnon swag.


15. How Conspiracy Theories Like QAnon May Have Discouraged Postelection Violence

Slate · by Amarnath Amarasingam · December 29, 2020

I suppose this is some counterintuitive good news.

The counter to this from the extreme right is that if the election had turned out differently there would have been violence from the extreme left.


16. Opinion | Trump’s worst pardon is one you haven’t heard about

The Washington Post · by Alex Busansky · December 29, 2020

I have no words.




"I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates." 

- Steve Jobs


"She had not spoken false words, but truth can be outraged by silence quite as cruelly as by speech."

- Amelia E. Barr


"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” 

- George Washington

DanielRiggs Wed, 12/30/2020 - 9:39am

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