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“If the #RNC Hopes to Survive, Every Republican Should Stand Up for [President Trump] Now” – Attorney Sidney Powell Fires Warning Shot at GOP

President Trump won the 2020 election with the most votes by a sitting president in history but it was stolen by the Democrats and their allies in the media, big tech, the courts, the Justice Department and China.

The President’s Party, the Republican Party, doesn’t seem to care.

Sidney Powell tweeted last night what most Americans are thinking about the Republican Party and President Trump:

Powell has a point.  We know that Big Tech announced they would not allow any talk of fraud committed in the election two months before the election took place.

BIG TECH COLLUSION: Facebook, Twitter and Google Announce Measures to Censor Pro-Trump Information Before the Election

They now mock our President, the winner of the election with the most legitimate votes in history, and highlight his messages with texts claiming they are his superior and ultimate authority of truth and the duly elected President is nothing but a liar:

Big Media has shown its true colors.  Today’s media is worse than Pravda with no mention of fraud in the election and all major networks and websites labeling mentions of massive fraud ‘unfounded’.  We are literally seeing communism in action:

Will BIG TECH and BIG MEDIA Be Held Accountable for Colluding with the Democrats In 2020 Election Fraud?

The Justice Department was destroyed under Obama and has never been the same.  They see no crimes in this year’s election – nothing that matters to them – of course they haven’t looked.  Daily we highlight fraudulent actions that impacted the election greatly in every swing state – but former AG Barr couldn’t see anything?

WHERE’S BILL BARR? — We Got Your Voter Fraud AG Barr — It’s On Video and They Attempted to Steal Georgia with It! — HOW ABOUT A FEW ARRESTS?

Unfortunately, we have also uncovered that the court system is corrupt as well.  Obama judges seem to all land the big election cases and they slow ride these cases only to eventually dismiss them while deriding the President and his attorneys projecting upon them who they really are.  Yesterday in Georgia the judge over another case just happened to be the former Democrat gubernatorial candidate’s sister – yet the judge didn’t step down for conflict of interest:

WOW! Georgia Judge Who Also Is Stacy Abrams’ Sister BLOCKS Elections Officials from Challenging Voters Who Live Outside of Registered District!

Now the Republican Party is turning its back.  Senate leader Mitch McConnell is leading the charge, attacking any Senators who plan to call out the 2020 election fraud against the biggest legitimate winner in US election history:

OUTRAGEOUS! Mitch McConnell Will Reach Out to Senator-Elect Tommy Tuberville and Urge Him To Turn His Back on Trump in Electoral College Vote

The House is not much better with only a couple dozen of GOP Representatives willing to stand with the people and the President and demand law and justice.

Those around the President in the White House are also in sad shape with VP Pence indicating he will allow the fraudulent election to proceed even though he has a constitutional duty to stop it.

Republicans have blinders on.  FOX News lost its audience of supporters.  The Republican Party will see worse.  Americans won’t stand for injustice.  Americans want law and order.  Americans love their Constitution and hate those who rip it apart. 

Americans hate thieves and hate cowards.

We are seeing the end of the Republican Party.  Its leaders are lost in space.  They have no idea how much Americans hate fraud and injustice.  Republicans are doing nothing about it.  The GOP is over.

The post “If the #RNC Hopes to Survive, Every Republican Should Stand Up for [President Trump] Now” – Attorney Sidney Powell Fires Warning Shot at GOP appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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