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Best Harros Shell Build in Mortal Shell | Screen Rant

Mortal Shell has been scratching the community's Dark Souls itch since mid-August. An unforgiving game designed to punish reckless mistakes and impatient attacks seem to be the formula for an addictive high fantasy RPG. Thankfully, Mortal Shell does a good job of condensing the vast customization options of the Souls franchise into three basic stat fields: Health, Stamina, and Resolve.

Related: How to find the Ballistazooka in Mortal Shell 

Which a much more streamlined character build mechanic, Mortal Shell forces players to grow accustomed to one of four playable warriors instead of crafting their own from the ground up. Players begin as a Foundling and venture into an interconnected open world with nothing but an old sword in hand. Thankfully, players will come across the corpse of Harros, the Vassal right off the rip. They will enter his body, dawn his armor, and now have a fighting chance as they search for three other fallen warriors. This guide will walk players through the best way to build Harros as they progress through the game.

Each body in Mortal Shell comes with its own predetermined stats. For example, Tiel, the Acolyte is tailored to have high stamina at the cost of HP. Contrarily, Solomon, the Scholar sacrifices some stamina for an increase in HP and resolve. Harros’ stats are even across the board. This makes him the perfect early game character to develop and advance the story. His baseline stats offer players the chance to determine their play style and then choose which other Shell they may have more fun with.

After taking a few serious beatings, players will finally find Sister Genessa. For those equating everything about this game to Dark Souls, she’s the Fire Keeper, and she works the exact same way. Players will spend their Tar and Glimpses in order to choose from a wheel of different abilities. First and foremost, players must discover (in-game) the name of their hero. At the cost of 500 tar, players will learn Harros’ name along with a little bit of backstory. Now for the real fun. Harros, like every other shell, has 7 personalized abilities to choose from. Each shell also shares the same 3 abilities at the bottom of the wheel. Below are all of Harros’ abilities equipped with a short description on how they are best applied in-game. 

Accretion of Foresight - Gaining a glimpse has the chance to restore some HP.

  • Enemies will drop glimpses at random and somewhat rarely. Alternative ways of restoring HP in Mortal Shell is important, but relying on a glimpse drop shouldn’t be the player’s priority. Players are better off perfecting the parry mechanic as well as hoarding mushrooms and roasted rats. Although cheap, there are better starting options.

Accretion of Dominance - For a short time after hardening, enemies killed have a chance to drop an additional glimpse.

  • Harros will be hardening far more often than other shells. His abilities to come will explain why. This ability paired with the other ‘important’ ones will certainly prove useful. Players will blink and have glimpses upon glimpses without even realizing it.

Accretion of Resolve - Hardening cooldown is reduced by 25%.

  • The most important ability Harros can learn. Players should make this their priority as hardening is the key to success in Mortal Shell. The 25% boost recharges hardening at lightning speed. Just don’t get too used to it if switching shells often.

Accretion of Endurance - Hardening Causes Harros’ stamina to rapidly refill.

  • Stamina regenerates quickly in comparison to other games. Players should be strategically using harden to fully charge their stamina meter as they await an enemy attack. This ability isn’t a must-have early game, especially at the hefty price of 20 glimpses and 3,000 Tar.

Accretion of Ascent - Killing two enemies in quick succession resets your harden cooldown.

  • This one is a great early game ability to grab. At 500 tar and 2 glimpses, the chance to instantly reset a player's harden will be a lifesaver when fighting those early mobs. Enemies like to stick together in Mortal Shell. Players will often hit two with one swing of the sword. This makes killing two in ‘rabid succession’ even easier.

Accretion of Inheritance - Hardening lasts for twice as long upon being broken.

  • This is number 2 behind 'Accretion of Resolve'. Any buff Harros can get to hardening is a must-have in order to properly play the character.

Accretion of Yearning - Adds a chance for enemies to drop an additional glimpse upon death.

  • Players should invest in this ability before 'Accretion of Dominance.' It simply offers more chances to glimpse farming. Of course, the two paired together will rake in the glimpses.

Finally, Harros shares the same 3 abilities (Recollections) with the other shells:

Recollection of Strength - Put your enemies off balance with a powerful kick.

  • Honestly, there are better abilities to be spending resolve on like parries or weapon abilities. Players should pick this ability up at their leisure, don’t make it a priority.

Recollection of Knowledge - Harden in the air to create a devastating area of impact upon landing. Foes killed by the blast may drop an additional glimpse.

  • Paired with Harros’ other abilities, this one will prove useful for glimpse farming. Drop strikes are also incredibly powerful in Mortal Shell.

Recollection of Death - Regain last chance upon defeating enough foes.

  • Absolutely huge. Mortal Shell’s last chance mechanic grants players full health and stamina if they are able to make it back to their shells. The ability to recharge this ability is game-changing. So long as players are confident enough they'll make it back to their shells, entering into last chance can work as a free full health regeneration. 

Harros, The Vassal should be focused on hardening and glimpse farming. Extra glimpses will allow players to ‘level him up’ quicker than other Shells. Remember, glimpses do NOT transfer between shells. However, once maxed out, Harros could realistically buy Glimpse of Affection from the merchant, switch shells and crack it. Affection costs 6 and grants 5. 

Next: How to Fast Travel in Mortal Shell (the Easy Way) 

Mortal Shell is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox & PC

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