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Mariah Carey’s sister claims she saw ‘babies STABBED in satanic rituals’ as she sues mum for ‘abusing her as a kid’

THE troubled sister of superstar Mariah Carey has claimed she saw babies being stabbed in warped “satanic rituals” their mum took her to as a child – as she sues her for alleged child abuse.

Alison Carey, 57, accused her mother Patricia, 83, of forcing her to perform sex acts on strangers when she was 10, in court papers filed in New York earlier this year.

Mariah Carey (middle) with her daughter (left) and mother, Patricia Carey (right).

Alison Carey details the allegations in a video clip posted online

The former prostitute, who is estranged from celebrity sister Mariah, has also detailed the shocking allegations in a clip posted online.

During a seven minute video, Alison said her mother was involved in a satanic cult where she allegedly witnessed toddlers being “stabbed” as their blood “drip(ped) to the floor”.

“They’d have these … satanists around an altar where the people, sometimes hooded, were wearing these long cloaks that were brown with hoods,” she said.

“And they’d be in …two circles, one inside the other, by the altar, where there would be live children and sometimes babies – but not at the same time, one at a time.”

The Carey sisters (Alison, left and Mariah, right) have been estranged for more than a decade

Jae Donnelly - The Sun
Patricia Carey alleges she was abused as a child.[/caption]

She continued: “I saw people get stabbed and start bleeding and it would be dripping to the floor. It was children.

“The youngest I ever saw stabbed I’d say was about younger than two years old.

“I can’t imagine how anybody got away with that. If a kid disappears, don’t detectives come try to figure out what happened.”

Alison added: “I think I was forced to do things to other people, sexually. I know that my mother would deny it right away.

“The first time she sees this anywhere she might just start laughing and shaking her head and saying she had no involvement in anything like this. That’s not true.”

According to Alison, her memories “came back to (her)… more than 20 years later”.

“It just started coming when I was driving,” she says.

“So I pulled over. I had to get off the road because it seemed like everything was turning black.

“I …tried to find out where I could find a doctor who had dealt with other women who had these experiences when she was a child.

“And he did. That’s the only patients he had, women who had suffered abuse, getting involved with a satanic cult. They had been forced to be involved.”

In the court filing, Alison alleges she had to watch other children being abused “during middle-of-the-night satanic worship meetings that included ritual sacrifices”.

As a result, Alison, now 57, suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, court documents obtained by The Sun allege.

Alison said she plans to use New York’s Child Victims Act — which temporarily waives the statute of limitations in underage-sex cases — to sue her mother, claiming the alleged abuse caused her medical issues along with the drug abuse that derailed her life.

Alison is representing herself in the case, and has yet to file a full complaint beyond the Summons With Notice she filed in February in Ulster County’s Supreme Court, records show.

Mariah Carey is one of the most successful recording artists of all time[/caption]

The court document notes that Alison is looking to collect money for “immense psychological and physical damage, mental pain and anguish and intentional infliction of severe emotional distress.”

Friends insist she is not after Mariah’s fortune — she has lost all her teeth and wants to pay to get them repaired.

A source close to Alison told The Sun of Alsion and Mariah’s relationship: “They haven’t spoken in years. Her and brother both. It happens with people.

“They have relatives living in poverty and they don’t do anything for them. This is the most extreme case.

“With [Mariah’s] networth she can give pocket money that will set [Alison] up for her life.

“But Alison holds her mother accountable, not Mariah.”

Alison’s lawsuit, filed at the State of New York Supreme Court, says: “Defendant, who is Plaintiff’s mother, allowed and encouraged other male persons whose identities are at present unknown to engage in sexual acts as defined in New York Penal Law, specifically 130.52 (forcible touching), and 130.65 (sexual assault in the first degree), while Plaintiff was approximately 10 years of age.

“Defendant also forced Plaintiff to witness adults engaged in sexual acts with both adults and children during middle-of-the-night satanic worship meetings that included ritual sacrifices.

“As a result of the above Plaintiff has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and major depression, leading her to misuse both legal and illegal drugs in an attempt to suppress the horrific memories, and to undergo extensive professional counselling.”

Mariah Carey and her sister Alison are living separate lives[/caption]

Patricia Carey — an Irish-American former singer with the Metropolitan Opera — has yet to respond and a lawyer was not listed for her. Attempts to reach her for comment were unsuccessful Friday.

She has been estranged from her eldest daughter for years.

In 2016, Alison was arrested after she was busted in an undercover prostitution ring in the town of Saugerties in upstate New York.

Local police said Alison solicited money in exchange for sex from an undercover police officer posing as a possible client.

Alison identified herself as the sister of the superstar, Chief Joseph Sinagra, of the Saugerties police, told the Daily Freeman of Kingston at the time. She was advertising her services online using lyrics that mirror Mariah Carey’s hit song “Fantasy.”

Mariah Carey is estranged from her older sister Alison[/caption]

One of the advertisements contained two photos of Alison.

“I’m a pretty lady looking for guys who are looking to have some fun and get into a world of pleasure that other woman just can’t provide to you,” the ad stated according to the Freeman.

“Woman with the ability to make the earth move for you and to get you to see stars.

“Oh, yeah, with me its, ‘It’s such a sweet, sweet fantasy, baby. When I close my eyes, I come and take you on and on.’”

Alison recorded a heartfelt video to Mariah later that year imploring her to end the rift between them and help her financially noting medical costs stemming from her HIV-positive diagnosis and an alleged attack in her home in 2015 that left her with brain damage.

“Mariah, I love you. I desperately need your help,” Alison Carey said in the video posted by the Daily Mail Online at the time. “Please don’t abandon me like this.”

A  representative for the singer told the British news site at the time that she had spent “hundreds of thousands of dollars supporting Alison and her children.”

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