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4 Facts for Bladder Cancer Awareness Month

Image Source: Pharmaceutical-Technology.com

You probably don’t pay much attention to your bladder until… well, you have to. However, this organ plays a vital role in your overall health.

Like any other organ, the big C can impact this body part, sometimes with deadly results. May is Bladder Cancer Awareness Month. So, how can you prevent bladder cancer? Here are some important things to know about this disease.

  1. The Symptoms of Bladder Cancer

The symptoms of bladder cancer often mimic those of a urinary tract infection. You might experience symptoms such as increased urgency and burning or pain when passing urine. You might feel like you have to go but you don’t go much when you try to. Your symptoms may cause nighttime wakefulness. Some people have persistent lower abdominal or back pain. The most revealing clue to watch for is blood in your stream.

Unfortunately, for many women, doctors may misdiagnose the disease, especially if you have a history of frequent infections. Sometimes, you need to advocate for yourself when it comes to your health. Don’t feel shy about asking your primary care physician for a referral to a urologist if your symptoms occur frequently or increase in severity. These specialists can perform a thorough examination, including a culture to test for cancerous cells.

Bladder cancer most frequently strikes those who are over the age of 55, and the average age of diagnosis is 73. The disease is more prevalent among men, which further complicates matters for ladies looking for a diagnosis. Your physician might not suspect the condition if you’re female until much further along in its progression.

  1. Risk Factors for Bladder Cancer

While bladder cancer can strike anyone, the following risk factors can increase your chances of getting the disease:

  • Age and gender: Bladder cancer risk increases with age, and men are more prone to the disease.
  • Chronic bladder inflammation: People who have a history of frequent infections or disorders like interstitial cystitis also have an elevated risk.
  • Tobacco use: Smoking increases your risks of more than merely lung cancer. It can impact your bladder, too.
  • Exposure to industrial chemicals: If you worked in the textile, leather or print industries, exposure to chemicals at work increases your risk.
  • Medication history: People who have taken the chemotherapy drug cyclophosphamide have an elevated risk, as do those who have taken the diabetes medication Pioglitazone.
  1. Treatment Options for Patients

If you do receive a diagnosis of bladder cancer, keep a positive attitude and have hope. Several treatments can remedy it, and early detection improves your chances of a cure.

If your bladder cancer stays in the noninvasive stage, meaning it remains confined to the lining, you likely won’t need to go under the knife. Instead, your doctor may recommend the following procedures:

  • Cystoscopy: In this procedure, your doctor inserts a small tube equipped with a camera into your bladder. Once they do, they cauterize and remove the tumor.
  • Transurethral resectioning: While this method sounds like a mouthful, it merely refers to using electrical force to remove the tumor. Your doctor also performs this procedure with an endoscope, so there is no cutting necessary.
  • Chemotherapy and immunotherapy: In these procedures, your physician injects the drugs directly into your bladder with a tube or needle.

If your cancer reaches the invasive stage, you may need to undergo surgery, including a cystectomy, or the removal of the bladder. Your doctor may make a new bladder out of a piece of your small intestine.

  1. How to Keep Your Bladder Healthier

If you want to reduce your risk of bladder cancer, the following lifestyle changes can help:

  • Don’t smoke, and quit if you do. Since tobacco use is one risk factor you can control, kick the butts. A quick Google search reveals free resources that can help.
  • Modify your diet: Some foods, like those containing caffeine and alcohol, can irritate your bladder and increase urinary output. Acidic and spicy foods, like citrus fruits and hot peppers, can likewise disrupt sensitive linings. Increasing your intake of fiber can prevent constipation, which can put a strain on this organ, as well.
  • Lose weight: If you are carrying excess pounds, the pressure can increase stress on your bladder.

Spreading Awareness About Bladder Cancer

Even though bladder cancer doesn’t make many headlines, a diagnosis can prove fatal. Educate yourself about the risks and take better control of your health today! Also, consider donating to a Bladder Cancer Awareness organization this month.

The post 4 Facts for Bladder Cancer Awareness Month appeared first on The Moderate Voice.

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