This is the best thing you’ll see today.
The internet is generally a cool place. Scorching hot take, I know. But it provides a lot of entertainment, which we especially need right now, when the coronavirus has taken the NBA season and Golden State Warriors basketball for us.
A lot of people have been filling the voids created by the quarantine by playing the popular game Animal Crossing. But one brilliant soul managed to find the perfect spot to combine Animal Crossing with the Warriors.
Yes, Reddit user u/and1zhao spent some time — who knows how much — and created the Warriors basketball court in Animal Crossing.
This is the best thing I’ve seen in a long time. And, if we’re being frank, it’s one of the best Warriors-related things we’ve seen all season. Much of what the Warriors did on the court this year can’t really compare to this Animal Crossing creation.
You can take that as a slight to the team or a compliment to this creation. It’s definitely both.
I’ll confess that I haven’t played Animal Crossing, but I’m assuming this took a really long time to make. That assumption is backed up by the name of the post, which is, “Had a lot of time to kill today so I made a Golden State Warriors basketball court!”
In summation: Internet? Good. Animal crossing? Good. Golden State Warriors? Good.
Let this be a reminder to us all: The Warriors logo can make its way onto whatever crafts and hobbies we’re pursuing during the quarantine. Warriors cake? Hell yes. Warriors scarf? Absolutely. Warriors embroidery? Totally into it.
Get wild.