Though The Sopranos wrapped up its epic six-season run with its divisive, yet generally acclaimed series finale "Made In America," Tony, Carmela, Sal, Dr. Melfi, Christopher, and all the classic characters have endured in spirit. To this day, David Chase's Sopranos remains the benchmark to which all prestige television is judged, and you'd be hard-pressed to find anybody willing to openly slander the show.
While many have likely turned to a rewatch amidst the coronavirus pandemic, in an unexpected turn, David Chase has emerged with a little gift for the loyal fans. Clearly inspired by the current events, Chase provided Michael Imperioli and Steve Schirripa of the Talking Sopranos podcast with a brand new scene - apparently it's the first he's written involving these particular characters since the finale. While not exactly a canon epilogue that some might have been hoping for, it does provide a little bit of nostalgic levity -- not to mention dialogue that continues to leap off the page.
In the scene, Tony, Paulie, Carmela, Meadow, Christopher, Adriana, Dr. Melfi, Anthony JR, Silvio Dante and more hold a conversation about the ongoing coronavirus, and how it has come to impact their lives in various ways. Naturally, Tony is of the "shrug-it off" mentality. "In my father’s day, you got polio, tuberculous, whatever the fuck, you dealt with it," he reasons. "Whatever happen to Gary Cooper?"
You can check out a full transcription of the lengthy scene as provided by Vulture right here. Look for an additional dose of canon Sopranos content to return when The Many Saints Of Newark drops March 21st, 2021.