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The rarest coins revealed including the NHS 10p – and they could be worth up to £215

COIN hunters will want to check their change after a newly updated list of the most collectable coins was released.

The sought-after Kew Gardens 50p continues to be the most valuable coin, with one recently selling for £215 on eBay.

These coins could be worth an incredible £347.54 combined if you find them all

While a 10p coin celebrating the NHS has increased in worth since the coronavirus outbreak, and is now worth £7.50 in the right hands.

This may not seem a lot, but it’s actually 75 times its original value.

The coin comes out on top of ChangeChecker.org’s newly updated scarcity index, that tracks which 10p, 50p and £2 coins are the most hard to come by.

It’s worth noting that some collectors also value the mintage of coins, meaning how many have been made, but this is something ChangeChecker doesn’t take into account.

Is your small change worth a fortune?

IF you think that you might have a rare coin then you might be able to make a real mint.

The most valuable coins are usually those with a low mintage or an error.

These are often deemed the most valuable by collectors.

You should check how much the coin is selling for on eBay.

Search the full name of the coin, select the “sold” listing and then toggle the search to “highest value”.

It will give you an idea of the amount of money that the coin is going for.

You can either choose to sell the coin on eBay or through a specialist such as ChangeChecker.org.

If you choose the auction website then remember to set a minimum price that is higher or at the very least equal to the face value of the coin.

Even if your coin “sells” on eBay for a high price there’s no guarantee that the buyer will cough up.

It its terms and conditions, the auction website states that bidders enter a “legally binding contract to purchase an item”, but there’s no way to enforce this rule in reality.

The most eBay can do is add a note to their account for the unpaid item or remove their ability to bid and buy.

Plus, coins are only worth what someone is willing to pay for them, so you aren’t guaranteed these prices.

But as these have all been circulated, it’s possible that you could find one in your spare change.

In fact, if you pick up all six coins from the selection we’ve rounded up below, you could make as much as £347.54.

The rarest 10ps – worth up to £7.50

The latest scarcity index for 10p coins specifically focuses on A to Z coins

The scarcity index for the 10p coins focuses on the A to Z pieces which were originally released in April 2018 to celebrate all things British.

As you’d expect, there are 26 coins in the collection to correspond with the 26 letters in the alphabet.

Each design has a relatively low mintage, according to ChangeChecker.org, with 220,000 of each coin released in 2018 and 2.1million overall in 2019.

“N for NHS” has moved up three places in the scarcity index thanks to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, with more Brits eager to show their appreciate to our health workers.

One of these NHS coins sold for £7.50 on eBay
The “T for Tea” coin wasn’t far behind, fetching £3.05 on eBay

This coin features the letter “N” with a stethoscope wrapped around it.

When The Sun checked, we found one had recently sold for £7.50 on eBay – which is actually 75 times its originally value.

The second most collectable 10p coin from the A to Z collection was “T for Tea” which is a non-mover on the scale.

It sports the letter “T” alongside a brewing teapot and we spotted one that fetched £3.05 on eBay.

“R for Robin” was previously the most popular 10p coin on the list.

The rarest 50ps – worth up to £215

Here is the latest scarcity index for 50p coins

It’ll come as no surprise to coin hunters to see the Kew Gardens coin at the top of the 50p scarcity list once again.

This coin was first launched in 2009 to celebrate 250 years since London’s Kew Gardens opened its gates.

It features the famous Chinese pagoda, which was built in 1761, from the botanical gardens.

The Kew Gardens 50p regularly tops rare coin lists
The off-side rule coin from the 2012 Olympic Games series could sell for £24

At first, uncirculated versions of this coin were sold directly by the Royal Mint in special packaging – which are now selling on eBay for up to £250.

A small batch of 210,000 of the coins were then released into circulation and these ones are still worth hundreds of pounds.

For example, this one on eBay sold for £215.

The second most sought-after 50p is the off-side rule coin from the 2012 Olympic Games collection.

Only 1,125,500 of these coins made it in to circulation, and we’ve seen one sell for £24 on eBay.

The rarest £2 coins – worth up to £77

These £2 coins have been deemed the most scarce to find

The top five most collectable £2 coins are non-movers on the scarcity list, with three editions of the Commonwealth Games pieces taking first, second and third position.

Four coin designs were made to celebrate the Commonwealth Games in 2002 – one for each of the UK’s nations, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Confusingly, all the different editions feature the same base design and are only identifiable by their respective flag.

Can you spot the difference between these coins? This one, featuring the Northern Ireland flag, sold for £77
While this one with the Welsh flag made £22.99 on eBay

It’s the Northern Ireland edition that has proved the hardest to get hold of, with one selling on eBay for £77.

There are just 485,500 of these in circulation.

Meanwhile, one of these coins with the Scotland design fetched £22.99 on the auction site.

There are 771,750 of these in circulation.

Here are some more rare and valuable coins to keep an eye out for – and one could be worth up to £620.

We’ve rounded up the 15 rarest and most valuable coins of 2019 and they could be worth up to £186.

We also reveal the most valuable and rarest error coins in circulation that could be worth up to £1,500.

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