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14 ships violated NKorea sanctions – UN experts

UNITED NATIONS: United Nations (UN) experts have recommended blacklisting 14 vessels for violating sanctions against North Korea in a report that accuses the country of increasing illegal coal exports, imports of petroleum products and continuing with cyber attacks on financial institutions and cryptocurrency exchanges to gain illicit revenue.

The 267-page report, obtained on Saturday by The Associated Press, also accused North Korea of importing luxury vehicles, watches, liquor and other sanctioned items, including robotic machinery, and continuing to illegally access international banking channels “mainly by using third party intermediaries.”

In this March 21, 2020, file photo provided by the North Korean government shows a rocket launch at an undisclosed location in North Korea. The U.N. Security Council has imposed increasingly tough sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the country’s official name, including banning most of its exports and severely limiting is imports, to pressure Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Korean language watermark on image as provided by source reads: “KCNA” which is the abbreviation for Korean Central News Agency. AP FILE PHOTO

The UN Security Council has imposed increasingly tough sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the country’s official name, including banning most of its exports and severely limiting is imports, to pressure Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

The full report by the panel of experts monitoring the sanctions provides more details to the summary and some excerpts reported by AP in February. It includes photos of ballistic missile launchers, nuclear sites and vessels recommended for blacklisting.

The panel made 39 recommendations to the Security Council, including on the blacklisting of 14 vessels.

It said one vessel is registered in Sierra Leone and six were previously registered in the West African nation. Two are North Korean, one is Chinese, one Vietnamese, one was formerly registered in Togo, one was formerly registered in St. Kitts and Nevis, and the flag of one is unknown.

China has been neighboring North Korea’s largest trading partner and has been considered critical to enforcing UN sanctions.

The panel said the Chinese-flagged Yun Hong 8 — which it recommended for sanctions — made at least 10 port calls between February and October 2019 at the North Korean port of Nampo and delivered refined petroleum. It was also observed during that period receiving refined petroleum from other foreign-flagged vessels, which an unidentified UN member state said was likely for delivery to North Korea, the experts said.

China responded to the panel’s inquiry about the vessel by questioning “the serious lack of accuracy of the relevant information,” the report said.

China’s Foreign Ministry and UN ambassador have said the country is implementing the sanctions.

A photo in the report provided by an unnamed UN member state shows multiple coal-laden North Korea-flagged vessels at anchor near Lianyungang, China, which the panel said is being used to conduct ship-to-ship coal transfers. The panel said it is investigating a Vietnam-flagged vessel, the Phuong Linh 269, suspected of delivering coal originating in North Korea to the Chinese port of Qisha on multiple occasions.

Despite a UN ban, the panel said North Korea’s coal exports increased in 2019. It cited an unnamed member state saying North Korea exported 3.7 million tons of coal between January and August 2019, with an estimated value of $370 million.

The Security Council also banned the export of earth and stone, which includes sand.

The panel said an unidentified member state reported that a substantial sand-export operation from North Korea to China has been carried out since May 2019 with over 100 illicit shipments involving at least 1 million tons of sand worth at least $22 million.

“China responded that it attached great importance to the clues provided by the panel in relation to the smuggling of sand originating in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” but was unable to confirm that the sand had been transported to Chinese ports, the report said.

As for the import of refined petroleum products, which is limited 500,000 barrels annually, the panel said the addition of larger foreign-flagged tankers delivering to North Korea has expanded its illicit imports. It said an unidentified member state calculated that in the first 10 months of 2019, “foreign-flagged tankers alone had made a total of 64 deliveries, amounting to between 560,000 and 1.531 million barrels of refined petroleum products.”

The panel said North Korea has also continued to transfer fishing rights in violation of sanctions, which earned the country $120 million in 2018, according to an unnamed member state.

Under a 2017 sanctions resolution, all North Koreans working overseas were to be repatriated by Dec. 22, 2019.


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