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Game Of Thrones: 10 Amazing Margaery Tyrell Cosplays That Look Just Like Her

Margaery Tyrell looked breathtaking from the first moment she was introduced in Game of Thronesto her last. Except perhaps when arrested by the High Sparrow. Margaery died as a Queen. She was the smartest of the lot present in the Sept of Baelor that day. The only one who questioned Cersei and Tommen's absence.

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Cosplayers have attempted to capture Margaery's beauty and grace. Here are ten of those to begin with.

10 With All My Heart Your Grace

The Knight of Flowers, Ser Loras Tyrell asked for an alliance between two great houses through matrimony. He asked Joffrey's hand for Margaery. As his sister stepped forward, she said she wanted Joffrey with all her heart.

The cosplayer looks as sly and scheming as does Margaery in "Valar Morghulis." The plunging neckline with the brown outline has been recreated by the cosplayer. Margaery's gowns had one thing in common--soft blues, same silhouette, and rose details.

9 Growing Strong

Cersei was quick to notice Margaery's style of clothing. Her sense of style was bold and colorful. While she stuck to the soft palettes--mainly in two shades, she played around with her ornaments. In the cosplay above, the rose belt around her waist speaks strongly of her loyalties. She was in King's Landing to secure the future of House Tyrell. A future that Cersei would soon steal from her.

8 Under King Joffrey's Leadership, Your Fathers Saved The City

Margaery's soft power was her way of talking, this time appeasing the poor women and children. She donned the same light costume seen above on her visit to an Orphanage in Flea Bottom. There was a new player in the game of thrones, the people had to be made aware. She carried on a huge PR exercise with her team of attendants, gifted toys to orphans of those who had served in the Battle of Blackwater.

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This particular dress Margaery didn't care to spoil. She'd planned to stop at Flea Bottom slum, walk out of her litter to show herself to the people. It's not hard to fathom that this dress would be fairly simplistic.

7 Twists In Her Hair

Margaery Tyrell's hairstyles were impressive. As impressive as her ambition to be The Queen. She liked her hair in an updo. It became one of the most noticeable things about Margaery. Full marks must be given to the cosplayer for sticking with the same updo. Margaery's hair was mostly tied in numerous twists and turns.

The cosplay sticks to the usual silhouette of the dress, taking care of the traditional Tyrell colors.

6 A Curious Case Of Cutouts

Cersei very well knew Margaery was trying to creep into Joffrey's life using the same tricks she'd employed on men. Cersei had finally met her match in Margaery. She noticed Margaery's deep necklines and back cutouts.

The cosplayer has redone a hard-to-forget Margaery fashion style here. This gown introduces yet another Tyrell color--green. Margaery tied her hair loosely quite a few times, in simple twists and turns, just as the cosplayer does.

5 The Lion And The Rose

Margaery's wedding gown was quite an extravagant one. She chose a basic, backless gown with no sleeves. The embroidery is reflective of her House. She is from the Highgarden, after all. The cosplayer has made sure to incorporate all dominant features of Margaery's wedding gown. Her ornamentation is an answer to Cersei's gold jewelry.

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Notice how the cosplayer wears a golden rose-and-thorn tiara, just as Margaery wore in The Purple Wedding.

4 The Rose of Highgarden

The cutouts in the cosplay above, bare parts of Margaery's skin. The tailoring, silhouette, colors are commonly noticed in her costumes from the show. Her clothes were unconventional when compared to the highborn women. Given the way her character progression took place, she knew seduction was her second-best weapon. Margaery liked the cutouts in her dresses at specific spots--backs, midriffs and shoulders.

3 Quite An Artwork

Margaery's wedding gown was a labor-intensive effort. Every little intricate detail has successfully been captured in this cosplay. There was always a clash between Margaery and Cersei's dresses. Both women sent strong, yet subtle messages through their clothes.

Margaery stuck to soft tones, rose-and-thorns embroidery and ornamentation for her wedding day. Her color of choice was less dramatic and more elegant. The roses sewn into the back of her drape are reminders of where she comes from.

2 Forget About The Bloody Gods And Listen To What I Am Telling You

This cosplay above was Margaery's most elegant piece of clothing during her reign. Margaery dressed like in darker, brooding colors after her marriage to Tommen. She gave up her role as a seductress, since Tommen was won over. This was her last donned outfit on the show. It was before Cersei blew up the Tyrells, Faith Militants, Lannisters and half the nobles of King's Landing.

Margaery didn't forget to put her loyalties on display. Not for a single day did she forget she was the rose of Highgarden. Her chiffon conveyed she was there to adhere to the changing conditions of King's Landing, in that she recognized the Crown and the Church must rule together.

1 I Need To Be With My Family

Margaery Tyrell knew she was in the great game, against Cersei Lannister. The Queen Mother had armed the High Sparrow. Faith Militants had taken in Ser Loras Tyrell as their prisoner. Mace Tyrell had been sent off on a diplomatic mission. She was left alone to fend for herself in the capital.

Margaery wore the same off white, and gold gown in her early days of marriage to Tommen. After her marriage, her wardrobe changed. The plunging neckline and the cutout backs were gradually done away with. She did stick no her no-sleeves rule, though.

NEXT: Game Of Thrones: Tyrion's 10 Best Quotes About Drinking (& Knowing Things)

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