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Brits experiencing ‘extremely vivid’ dreams and nightmares to make up for ‘little stimuli in dull lockdown life’

BRITS are experiencing “extremely vivid” dreams and nightmares to make up for “little stimuli” under lookdown, it has been reported.

Researchers have been asking people to fill out an online survey about their dreams in order to analyse how coronavirus is being experienced “unconsciously”.

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People are recalling more vivid dreams while living under lockdown
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The research is being carried out by Lockdown Dreams, which is an independent group of postgraduate psychoanalysis students in London.

They say the most common trend so far is people are saying they are experiencing more detailed dreams that usual, which is a sharp contrast to the day-to-day lockdown life.

In one example, someone tried to buy broken biscuits from a supermarket with children’s TV presenters.

In another bizarre dream, a person climbed into a plane to escape a collapsing building but when they realised there was no pilot they hid in the toilet instead.

Jake Roberts, a spokesperson for the group, told The Guardian: “Everyone’s quite shocked by the fact that they’re having incredibly vivid dreams.

“That’s so interesting because our material waking lives have become, in a way, more dull

“But this is being reflected in a more vivid dreaming life.

“Our minds are obviously reaching out to try and make something from the little stimuli we’re receiving being locked down, and bringing up things we’ve completely forgotten about.”

He said that respondents have said they are able to recall their dreams more often such as being able to describe smells, emotions or places.

Dr Nick Blackburn, a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, said a recurring theme with his patients is they have dreams they are breaking the rules or being punished.

He said one example was a patient said they dreamy they were given a lifetime ban from their favourite restaurant because they were caught having sex in a cubicle.

Some patients have had dreams about empty supermarket shelves, not being able to clean their bodies, or dreaming of blocked drains and toilets.


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Other experts have said they’ve noticed an uptick in people reporting vivid or disturbing dreams.

Dreams expert Jane Teresa Anderson told The Sun: “Most people are saying to me that their dreams are not only vivid, but they’re movie-length dramas.

“Often our dreams are more vivid when they’re more emotional.”

Dr Ian Wallace, psychologist and dreams guru, explained that many people are remembering their dreams more than usual.

He said: “Quite simply, many people are no longer waking up to their usual alarm – which would usually switch off any dreaming activity and make it fade straight away.

“Quite simply, many people are no longer waking up to their usual alarm – which would usually switch off any dreaming activity and make it fade straight away.”

Both experts suggest taking a deep breath when you wake up, and thinking over what each of your dreams may have meant – unpicking how you feel in real life, before solving the problems as best you can.

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