In today's episode of "Everything Old Is New Again," we tackle astroturfing, gaslighting, and media complicity. The protests in mainly Democratically-led states (Michigan, Minnesota, Virginia) against stay-at-home orders aren't grassroots movements by your average Joe. They're bought and paid for by the wealthiest GOP, like organizations with close ties to Betsy DeVos. It's like 2000 and 2009 all over again. (Oh, hi, Brooks Brothers riot, and Tea Party!)
Of course, Trump supports it, because as he shrugged so eloquently in one of his interminable briefings, "I dunno, they seem to like ME..." Yes, there were MAGA flags aplenty at these protests wherein braindead GOP cultists demanded the right to go back to work before safety measures could be established, because dammit, they are willing to die for that paycheck, and who cares if they bring the COVID back home to Grammy and Pop-pop?
MAGA flags, Confederate flags, and you guessed it — flags with swastikas, too.
The Tyrannical Turdtrail just ate that up, of course, and in support of his suicidal and murderous fans, tweeted his encouragement on Friday: