Too Hot To Handle shows why today's hook-up Tinder culture is all around terrible. Many singles long for the days of having to call or text your crush but now most are stuck with the angst of having to swipe left or right.
Netflix had a huge hit when it released Love is Blind whose goal it was to show that show singles could fall in love without ever lying an eye on one another to form a deeper connection. Now, the same streaming service has gone down the raunchy road as they drop beautiful singles with over-inflated egos onto a paradise island, only to tell them they must remain celibate to win the prize money. Every time they break a rule, which includes no heavy petting, kissing, or sex, they lose money.
Many millennials are empathizing with the struggles that the contestants have been having to deal with as most issues mimic the viewer's own dating circumstances. Thanks to the invention of Tinder, Hinge, and Grinder many singletons are shopping at the bottom of the barrel. Women all over have seen enough unwelcome pictures of the male anatomy to last them a lifetime while more and more men are wondering is it possible to just grab a quickie and leave? Some lucky souls have had luck on these dating apps, but most are just waiting around for the next new app to tell them how they will never get married.
The contestants on the show have spotlighted how self-absorbed some in this world has become thanks to only having to communicate via cell phones and selfies. Viewers balked when Francesca from Canada sauntered onto the beach. The want-to-be reality star also added she makes a living as an Instagram influencer. This type of beautiful person is the 1% of what may be on your dating app, while most fans just look normal. The idea that if you take over a hundred photos to get that one perfect one with the perfect lighting has taken over the world. Most daters have forgotten how to interact and learned how to advertise themselves through five pictures and a witty description.
Netflix hit the jackpot with having their contestants stay celibate as maybe, just maybe, the idea will transfer over to viewers, having them realize they can want more than a Netflix and chill kind of relationship. Even though the contestants are still reeling from the news that in order to make money they will have to say no to hooking up some have actually made immense progress, proving you can’t necessarily judge a book by its cover.
Too Hot To Handle is now available on Netflix.