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10 Quotes From The Office That Will Stick With Us Forever

The Office may be switching streaming platforms, but that doesn't mean we'll ever forget the show's insanely memorable witticisms.

The Office is one show no one can ever get tired of. We lost many subtle punches and memorable bits of dialogue in the first watch, but that is the beauty of this iconic TV series. Regardless of how many times you watch it, you always discover some subtle humor, tiny witty details, and mind-blowing jokes. Especially the quotes, be it  Michael's crazy one-liners or Dwight's insane wacky quotes, all of them are incredibly relatable and legendary at the same time. Today, we are going to share ten such amazing dialogue fans fell in love with. Let's jump right into it.

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10 You Know You Do It

“Sometimes I’ll start a sentence, and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.”

Like an improv conversation. Like an improversation. Michael Scott said this in the twelfth episode of the fifth season when David Wallace asked him what he is doing right that his team is reporting such strong numbers. Michael doesn’t know what to say because he doesn’t do anything except create hurdles for his team and hurling his daily antics towards them, but, he is really happy to learn this and in an attempt to take the credit, he just says gibberish in his own signature style. Don’t sometimes you start a sentence too, without knowing where it’s going?

9 That's What She Said

“That's What She Said.”

The most iconic dialogue ever in the history of all TV in the whole wide world is hands down “that’s what she said!” This gem is there in almost every episode of the series, and we couldn’t be happier about it. Michael is not an orthodox or traditional man, hence the placement sometimes makes you groan here and there. However funny it may seem the first few times you hear it, you must admit sometimes it sounds a bit cringy, but, of course, that has its own charm and own set of fans.

8 What Do You Choose

“Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.”

Another gem from Michael Scott from the sixth episode “The Fight," season two. When Dwight knocks the wind out of him, he gets really eager to show himself off and suggests a rematch. Jim encourages to organize a showdown between both at Dwight’s martial arts training school. Surprisingly and pretty weirdly, Michael beats him in the match, and, to make him feel better, promotes him to the Assistant Regional Manager. This makes Dwight accept him as his Sensei.

7 I Didn't Say It, I Declared It


Oscar: "I just wanted you to know that you can't just say the word bankruptcy and expect anything to happen."

Michael: "I didn't say it. I declared it."

There is nothing we would like to say after this. This is honestly the most amusing thing anyone could say ever. When Oscar senses that Michael is having trouble managing his finances, he suggests Michael declare bankruptcy citing his troubles so he could get some relief, but, how Michael took it and responded to, was just dumb.

6 How Little Michael?

“I am not superstitious, but I'm a little 'stitious.”

What a gem! Why didn’t someone think of this one sooner? It's a genius quote from Michael Scott from the 1st episode "Fun Run Pt. 1" from the fourth season. At the very start, Michael runs over Meredith causing her a pelvic fracture and costing the Dunder Mifflin, we’re guessing, a truckload of money because it happened on the company property by the company property. A while later, we see Pam getting her computer infected and crashing due to porn. Later that day, heart-shattering news of Sprinkles passing away comes up. Anyone would get a little 'stitious!

5 Where Does This End?

“Mini-cupcakes? As in the mini version of regular cupcakes? Which is already a mini version of cake? Honestly, where does it end with you people?”

The episode is Dwight Christmas from the ninth season. Everyone seems to have forgotten about the office Christmas party, and even the party planning committee overlooked it. A furious Meredith says they deserve an X-mas party for slogging themselves off the whole year. Nellie suggests having some liquor and a basket of mini cupcakes, which just maddens Kevin so much so that he comes up with this ingenious rant about mini version of cupcakes. Honestly, where does this end with you people?

4 Ask Yourself

“Whenever I'm about to do something, I think, 'Would an idiot do that?' and if they would, I do not do that thing."

Incredible word of wisdom from Dwight. This is the 17th episode, the Business School in the third season.

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When Ryan invites Michael to his Emerging Entreprises Class as a guest speaker, he is overly excited and finds himself honored. Claiming to be a cool teacher, hyperbolic Michael asks Dwight the best thing that was taught to him, to which Dwight replies “don't be an idiot!” and this classic quote. We request everyone to follow this advice with just one tweak. Do not do the things Dwight would do—or Michael would, for that matter!

3 You Only Live Once?

“You only live once? False. You live every day. You only die once.”

One of the very few inspirational quotes from Dwight, this could not have been said better. Although unintentional, this quote is pure gold, and there have been lots of instances which prove Dwight totally believes in this one.

RELATED: The Office: The 10 Most Annoying Things Dwight Ever Did

He is always ready to forgive Michael for his antics which did hurt him more than once, he is quick to be pleased or flattered, he was ready to start over with Angela even after her shenanigans with Andy and the mayor, and that's not to mention all the tricks she pulled off. He has a different kind of relationship with Jim, but, he is always eager to help him too.

2 Boss's Paradox

Jan: "Do you always shut down the entire office when you leave for an hour?"

Michael: No. No, that would not be efficient… actually, they just don’t get a lot of work done when I’m not here… That’s not true. I know how to delegate. And they do more work when I’m not here… Not more… the same amount of work is done whether I am here or not."

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An all-time favorite of all bosses, this one was said by Michael Scott in the second season, seventh episode when Jan and Michael have to go to Radison's—which he changes last minute to Chili’s,—for a business meeting with the Lackawanna county. Honestly, Michael could say so many things without batting an eye, we wonder if Michael is stupid or a dork!

1 That's A Wish Worth Wishing For

“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you've actually left them.” – Andy Bernard, Finale Season 9, Episode 23

Finally, hands down the best dialogue from Andy was this one in the finale of the series. Despite having a miserable relationship with his colleagues where no one took him seriously and seeing his relationship failing twice, he also succeeded finally in grabbing Michael’s job... which might not be that difficult a task TBH, but that was his goal from the day he entered the Scranton branch. The Office is a crazy collection of super funny and super emotional quotes. This one was a great message from the makers of the show and gave a perfect closure to this rollercoaster ride.

NEXT: The 10 Funniest Episodes of The Office

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