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The Simpsons: 10 Members Of The Simpsons Family We Forgot About

Despite The Simpsons being TV's most famous family, there are a lot more family members than the ones everybody knows.

The Simpsons are arguably the most famous family in the history of television, yet most people cannot name every single member. While the core family is featured in every episode, and people such as Grandpa Simpson (Abraham), or Marge's two sisters often pop up, others aren't shown as much.

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Some Simpsons family members will only make one-off appearances throughout the show, and because of that fans aren't aware of them. While some of the characters would have made very little difference on the show if they were featured more, others could have played a bigger role.

When looking back at the history of this incredible cartoon show, The Simpsons family is actually a very large one. So, within this article, you can count on us to be the family tree as we reveal 10 family members most fans don't know about.

10 Mona Simpson

While everyone is well aware of Homer's father, Abe Simpson, not many actually know about his mother. Mona Simpson, is Homer's deceased and long-lost mother does actually appear in quite a few episodes,but she isn't someone fans are too familiar with.

Deciding to abandon her family to join the hippie movement, she is sprinkled into the show here and there, primarily in flashback scenes. However, the main reason people don't know her is because so much focus is spent on Abe.

People just instantly think of him when it comes to Homer's family, but Mona is clearly a big part of Homer's life. Her design was done to have some of Homer in her face as well, showcasing exactly how his appearance came about.

9 Clancy Bouvier

From one parent to another, this time on Marge's side of the family. Her parents are very rarely showcased throughout The Simpsons, with the only regular reoccurring parent being Abe Simpson.

However, Marge's father, Clancy Bouvier first appears in the second season in a flashback of when Homer appeared at the family home for prom. He doesn't make many appearances after that, which is why he isn't well known to most fans, but he does pop-up here and there.

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Clancy is actually one of the first-ever male flight attendants in the world of the show. While he has been mentioned more than he has been seen, he's still part of the family.

8 Rita LeFleur

Once again, Abraham Simpson has a role to play in this one. While we previously mentioned Homer's mother, she isn't the only person that Abe has been married to during his lifetime. That's where Rita LeFleur comes in, as the jazz artist was his second wife.

Rita meets Abe when he is a waiter at a place she is singing, and she has dreams of becoming a big star. She then ends up achieving that goal and gets invited to tour around Europe, but Homer gets in the way of his father following her. As Homer suffers a head injury (which explains plenty), Abe chooses not to travel to Europe, and the two never see each other again, although they do reunite in another episode.

7 Virgil Simpson

Virgil Simpson, unlike the vast majority of the family members, is not yellow. Despite appearing in the episode "The Color Yellow." This season 21 episode actually features a ton of extended Simpsons family members, of which Virgil is one of.

He is actually a runaway slave that belonged to an ancestor of Charles Montgomery Burns, of all people! However, his inclusion isn't talked about as much as his appearance actually made continuity issues for the show, as it contradicted previous parts of the family history.

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Throughout his appearance, Virgil does start to look increasingly more like Homer as he escapes slavery and ends up moving to Canada.

6 Hugo Simpson

Many fans aren't aware of Hugo Simpson because he only appeared in one segment of one episode. Popping up in "Treehouse of Horror VII," Hugo is Bart's conjoined twin from the 'The Thing and I' segment.

Originally separated by Dr. Hibbert when they are babies as he is deemed evil, Marge and Homer end up chaining him to the attic. Hugo gets fed fish heads once a week as the parents try to keep the secret hidden, until Bart goes up there and he ends up escaping.

Dr. Hibbert ends up catching him, but he notices the scar is on the wrong side and that Bart was actually the evil one. Of course, with Hugo being part of the Halloween themed episode, he's not actually classed as an official family member in storyline continuity.

5 Orville J. Simpson

Speaking of Canada, before the Virgil Simpson storyline was introduced, it was revealed there were Simpsons in Canada. Orville J. Simpson, to be exact, who is also known as Great-Grandpa Simpson.

He is the man who emigrates and moves the family to America, where everyone knows them to live. He moves from Canada, even spending some time living in the head of the Statue of Liberty in a flashback scene in season seven.

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He doesn't make lots of appearances, although Bart does have a vision of him in heaven, strangling a young Abe Simpson, which is a funny moment.

4 Eliza Simpson

As we mentioned earlier in this list, "The Color Yellow," featured several different family members popping up. Another one of those was Eliza Simpson, who is an ancestor of the family and most resembles Lisa.

Eliza actually tries to help Virgil escape from slavery, but her initial attempt ends up failing. Lisa is the one to uncover this news by delving into her family history, looking at her specifically as a bright part of the family.

However, when Milhouse does the same and shows that Eliza ends up failing, she actually becomes a Van Houten, which makes them related in a distant way.

3 Arthur Bouvier

It makes sense that fans wouldn't be aware of Arthur Bouvier because he is actually never shown on-screen during The Simpsons. Arthur is the uncle of the Simpson kids according to Marge, yet some people actually think it is her uncle.

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According to the episode he is referenced in, Arthur went crazy in one episode and ended up going on a shooting spree, which is quite a weighty topic for the show to cover. The reference is made in season five and wasn't inspired by anything modern, but he is someone many don't know about.

2 Disco Stu

Disco Stu is a character that most fans are very familiar with, but most people don't know he is related to The Simpsons. His relationship with the family doesn't happen all the way through the show and is really only focused on in one episode.

Stu is one of (many) people who end up marrying Selma during the course of the show, and although there were many, Stu is probably one less talked about. His relationship with Selma is discussed in season sixteen, and his name Stu was attached to Selma's last name upon marrying him.

1 Amber

Amber appears in several episodes of The Simpsons, but the main focus for her comes in "Viva Ned Flanders," which focuses on Homer and Ned visiting Las Vegas for a drunken weekend. During the trip, they unknowingly marry two women, with Homer marrying Amber.

In "Brawl in the Family," she ends up reappearing and the family tricks her into marrying Grampa, making her the ex-wife of Abe and Homer.

While she runs away back to Vegas, leaving Abe alone once again, that isn't the end of her journey on the show. Amber appears one more time and sadly ends up dying from a drug overdose, leading to her funeral taking part on the show.

NEXT: The Simpsons: 10 Most Memorable Quotes From One-Off Characters

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