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I just watched a dangerous pit bull fight at Petco in Erie, Pennsylvania

Please contact PETCO leadership!


PETCO should enhance their public safety policy to keep their customers safe from pit bull type-dogs. At least pit bulls should be wearing muzzles in PETCO. There are 75 million dogs and 5 million of them are pit bull type-dogs.

Local News Coverage the dangerous pit bull fight https://www.erienewsnow.com/story/40843640/local-experts-react-to-dog-fighting?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook_Erie_News_Now&fbclid=IwAR2dWsoL63lrPyoJO1Vf9L5HsjVkmxIzwF375YF_kbxTjx_e-IrM4dofIJI


If you're going to own a pit bull type-dog, at least understand TWO THINGS that could save you and others from a pit bull mauling! Every pit bull owners should own a break-stick. That should tell you right there, pit bull type-dogs were never meant to be safe family pets. Be aware of their 'gameness' trait. The nicest pit bull's gameness trait can be triggered at any time.

Anyone who has ever witnessed Pit Bull aggression is usually shocked by the level of ferocity these dogs display. The come hard, with everything they have, and do not stop coming. It is called gameness. Only the Pit Bulls have gameness. Essentially, it is the undying determination to keep going despite pain, injury, or insurmountable odds. What many do not also realize is that gameness was bred into these animals for blood sports.

PLEASE WATCH! TRAIN your staff on how to use a break-stick on pit bulls. This person demonstrates how to use a break stick on a pit-bull: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfMVH4wY5Pg

Pit bulls are the number one killer of our beloved pets of all dog breeds combined. Did you know that 38,000 domestic animals are killed every year by pit bulls (for comparison: 10,000 people are killed by drunk drivers every year)? Our neighborhoods have turned into killing fields for pit bulls.Our pets are getting slaughtered in our neighborhoods. Not only that but many people end up getting hurt trying to save their pet. These devastated people who lose their pets are suffering from PTSD. Absolutely nothing is being done about it by our elected officials. FOLLOW for one month: https://www.facebook.com/pitbullskilledmypet/

Little dog killed by pit bull. https://www.news-journalonline.com/news/20190602/pit-bulls-deadly-attack-on-tiny-terrier-in-port-orange-prompts-lawsuit?fbclid=IwAR0NOXpq-HzkxbxbhGZ3aqlW1BfuE2C9VIRD-t4_cs5XUasQahJfmJ86pH8
New WARNING from Pediatricians about pit bull type-dogs.

2019 MEDICAL STUDY FOR PARENTS: In the study conclusions they recommend that parents keep their children away from pit bulls and dogs that look like/are built like pit bulls.

Pit bull type-dogs pose the highest risk of biting and cause the most damage per bite, a new study says. Potential dog owners can utilize this data when assessing which breed to own. We recommend separating children from high-risk breeds and high-risk phenotypes reported in this study..." https://www.fox19.com/2019/05/22/ohio-state-study-identifies-pit-bulls-mixed-breeds-dogs-most-likely-bite-children/

Dr. Golinko, who did the largest dog bite study to date, states pit bulls are a danger to children. Watch Short Video: https://www.facebook.com/thefifthestate/videos/10155854915749407/ and

For those who claim that these aren't good studies, this is actually a meta-analysis as well which is the highest form of reliability. And when they talk about the other studies and try to call them anecdotal, show them this. And there's no way to do a level two or three study with dog bites. You would have to manipulate and cause dog bites or somehow randomize people being bit or not being bit... Level of Evidence Chart: https://libguides.winona.edu/c.php?g=11614&p=61584

Dog bite injuries to the face: Is there risk with breed ownership? A systematic review with meta-analysis:


13 Medical peer-reviewed studies that prove pit bull type-dogs are dangerous as pets. Level 1 trauma center dog bite studies from all geographical regions in the U.S. are reporting a higher prevalence of pit bull type dogs injuries than all other breeds of dogs. In many cases, the studies (2011 to 2018) also report that pit bull injuries have a higher severity of injury and require a greater number of operative interventions. https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-studies-level-1-trauma-table-2011-2018.php

Pit bull type-dogs make up 7% of the dog population, so they should be only responsible for 7% dog bite-related human fatalities. Instead they inflict 72% of dog bite-related human fatalities. This should be enough proof they are dangerous in our neighborhoods. https://blog.dogsbite.org/2019/05/2018-dog-bite-fatality-statistics-discussion.htm

Please spend some time witnessing to the victims of pit bull attacks. Most attacking pit bulls are not due to bad owners but na"ive owners who do not understand the dangerous pit bull breed traits. From 2005-2019, 328 people killed by pit bull type- dogs. http://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-fatalities.php

Thanks for listening to my concerns,

Julie Wall



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