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EU picks ultra-federalist who wants ‘United States of Europe’ as next president

A GERMAN Euro-federalist who has called for a United Stated of Europe with its own army is tonight on the cusp of becoming the next Brussels chief.

Ursula von der Leyen, who is Angela Merkel’s defence minister, was put forward by EU leaders to take over from Jean-Claude Juncker on October 31.

Ursula von der Leyen is set to be the new European Commission boss
AFP or licensors

Meanwhile Brexit-bashing Belgian PM Charles Michel looks set to be installed as EU Council boss, assuming a key role in future trade talks with Britain.

And Spain’s abrasive foreign minister Josep Borrell, who has gloated about the EU declaring Gibraltar a colony, was earmarked as foreign affairs chief.

The nightmare leadership package will present a major headache for the next British PM when they come to negotiate future ties with Brussels.

Mrs von der Leyen, a longstanding and close ally of Mrs Merkel, has spoken openly about how Brexit should “accelerate” plans for an EU army.

In November last year she said: “European defence union is in the making, and this leads to the idea of a ‘Euro army’.

“This would be challenging but necessary. Europe must be able to act independently where it needs to.”

The Brussels-born daughter of a Eurocrat also favours the creation of a federal Europe in which nation states are stripped of most powers.

In 2011 she said: “My goal is the United States of Europe – based on the model of the federal states of Switzerland, Germany or the US.”


Mr Michel, who is part of the pan-European liberal grouping, is also a federalist who has backed Emmanuel Macron’s hardline stance on Brexit.

He opposed David Cameron’s attempts to get an opt out from “ever-closer union” as part of his doomed 2016 renegotiation package.

The Belgian – mockingly called Mr Potato Head by diplomats – also fought with the French President against giving the UK a long extension.

In May 2017 he said: “In Britain ever more, they will realise that Brexit has consequences — economic, commercial, partnerships.

“Perhaps during the referendum the impression was given that once the Brexit button was pushed everything would take care of itself easily.

“Well, that is not true. When you push that Brexit button, there are consequences, there is a bill to pay.”


Mr Borrell will take control of the bloc’s foreign policy at a time when Britain is negotiating future access to its defence and security projects.

The 72-year-old, who has a reputation for being gaffe-prone, has repeatedly baited Britain during fractious bilateral talks over Gibraltar’s future.

Last year he hailed a deal between Spain and the UK on its tax affairs as the “most important since the Utrecht Treaty of 1713″ which handed us the Rock.

He has also boasted that Brexit will drive Gibraltar into the arms of Madrid, which continues to press its sovereignty claims.

Speaking in the Spanish parliament in 2018, he said: “If the UK leaves the EU, Gibraltar is going to approach Spain because the Law of Gravity exists.”

Mr Borrell previously predicted the UK will break up before Spain and said he wouldn’t oppose an independent Scotland joining the EU.

Frenchwoman Christine Lagarde, who is currently head of the IMF, was also set to take over as head of the European Central Bank as part of the shake up.

She has been dogged by controversies in her homeland and in June 2016 claimed Brits voting to leave would trigger a recession within a year.

The top jobs package was thrashed out by EU leaders after three marathon sessions of talks that often descended into farce and bitter infighting.

But it immediately ran into fierce opposition in the EU Parliament, which has to approve all appointments and could send them back to the drawing board.

Charles Michel will run the European Council
AP:Associated Press
Christine Lagarde is new head of the European Central Bank
AP:Associated Press

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