Watch the Official Trailer from Hindi movie ‘Khandaani Shafakhana’ starring Sonakshi Sinha, Badshah and Varun Sharma. This movie ‘Khandaani Shafakhana’ is directed by Shilpi Dasgupta, produced by Bhushan Kumar, Mahaveer Jain, Mrighdeep Singh Lamba, Divya Khosla Kumar & Krishan Kumar and co-produced by Vinod Bhanushali.
Story of the movie ‘Khandaani Shafakhana’ is penned by Gautam Mehra and cinematography is done by Rishi Punjabi. To know more about ‘Khandaani Shafakhana’ trailer watch the video. Check out the latest Hindi trailers, new movie trailers, trending Hindi movie trailers, and more at