Vice President Venkaiah Naidu paid tributes to Rajasthan BJP chief Madan Lal Saini at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) here.Earlier, many other prominent BJP leaders paid tribute to the 75-year-old Rajya Sabha MP, who breathed his last here on Monday evening.Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, BJP National Working President JP Nadda and Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla paid tributes to the veteran leader.Prime Minister Narendra Modi also condoled Saini's death."The passing away of Shri Madanlal Saini Ji is a major loss for the BJP family. He contributed to strengthening the party in Rajasthan. He was widely respected for his congenial nature and community service efforts. My thoughts are with his family and supporters. Om Shanti," Modi tweeted.Calling him a "jan sevak", Shah said Saini played an important role in strengthening BJP in Rajasthan."I have received the sad news of the death of BJP's senior leader and Rajasthan party chief Shri Madan .