Actress Juhi Parmar, who is best known for her role as Kumkum in the television series Kumkum – Ek Pyara Sa Bandhan, has come out with a video and audio that features her and her daughter Samairra. In the video, titled Heal your inner self, we catch a glimpse of both mother and daughter as they sing out a mantra for the healing of the soul.
Taking to her Instagram page, Juhi posted a clip of the video showing her and her daughter on a beach in the Maldives meditating and chanting the mantra.
She captioned it, “A child’s soul is unscarred, their approach innocent, their being completely pure! And as we grow older, life’s realities, its obstacles, its rain showers and its sunny days bring changes within us! We start of as blissful and happy souls and our life experiences at times leave us with painful memories and scars. Our version of Ra Ma Da Sa, the universal healing mantra, is an attempt to heal, to have a soul without any wounds, without any scars and in a child like stage. Its an attempt to follow a path, which I have set for myself and I hope to walk down this path with you as well….”
On how she came across the mantra, Juhi, a single mother, said in a statement, “When I came at a juncture in life in which I truly felt broken, I looked for sources to heal. And in this quest, as I healed, I realised how important it is for those in similar situations, possibly broken, to have a path to truly heal.”
“When I started to meditate, I came across this mantra by chance. For me, this mantra has really helped me change. Having complete faith, letting go of what has happened and accepting life for its beauty, can really change one’s perspective,” added the actress, who got divorced in 2018 and also had a near-death experience earlier this year.
On having audio and video versions of the mantra, Juhi said, “While the audio version should actually be used to meditate, the video version is somewhere a depiction of the changes this mantra has brought into my life. Our version of the healing mantra has been launched with a hope that the way I have found peace, so will many out there and this time from within, from the soul.”
With Inputs From IANS