Actor Ranveer Singh, who hails from a Sindhi family recently commented on wife Deepika Padukone's Instagram post complimenting him on being a good 'Sindhi Bahu'.Sing does not miss an opportunity to express his love for Padukone by commenting on her pictures and his latest response is proof of the same.The 'Piku' actor posted a series of pictures on Instagram where she can be seen stealing the limelight in a white top and shimmery silver pants. Completing the look, the actor wore matching silver bellies and earrings with minimal makeup."There's no such thing as too much bling!" she captioned one of the pictures.[{e496457f-e178-4ccf-8856-1818804c9f95:intradmin/Deepika24.JPG}]The loving husband was quick enough to comment on the post and tagged the actor as the best Sindhi Bahu. "Taught her well! Whaat-ay good Sindhi Bahu," he commented on a post where Deepika can be seen walking in style in the gorgeous ensemble.[{1e4b6102-ab60-44a8-94a1-f610e4ae4998:intradmin/Padukone24.JPG}]In the ...