The Delhi High Court has upheld the dismissal of two policemen, who allowed Vikas Yadav, who was sent to jail for 25 years for the murder of Nitish Katara, to leave his hospital room in AIIMS without parole on the night of Diwali in 2011, when he was facing trial in the case.
A bench of justices Vipin Sanghi and Rajnish Bhatnagar rejected the policemen's appeals against the decision of the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), which had agreed with the disciplinary action taken against them.
"The disciplinary and the appellate authorities have said enough and the gravity of the misconduct established against the petitioners is enough to justify the punishment imposed upon them," the high court said, while dismissing the appeals of Constable Ramesh Kumar and Head Constable Ishwar Singh.
According to the enquiry report, the two policemen had allowed Yadav to leave the hospital on the intervening night of November 26-27, 2011 from 12.45 am to 6.00 am.
The disciplinary authority had ...