The government has decided to observe the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in every district of the state with the active involvement of schools, colleges, NGOs and social welfare organisations on June 26, said Health and Family Welfare Minister Balbir Singh Sidhu here on Monday."The state-level function in this regard will be observed at Tarn Taran district on June 26," said Singh, adding that his government has made a big stride forward in curbing the abuse of drug abuse."Since the Congress-led government came to power in Punjab till date more than 83,920 patients suffering from drug addiction have been provided the free treatments at 178 OOATS (Outdoor Opioid Assisted Treatment Clinics) clinics," an official statement quoted Singh, as saying."Patients are also getting free indoor treatment at 34 de-addiction and 19 rehabilitation centres of the state. In this connection the Health Department has decided to observe the International Day against Drug Abuse