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17 Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born

Ever wondered how heavy the heaviest baby would weigh? In this article, we shall be looking at some of the heaviest babies to ever be born and check out how much they weigh. Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born -Biggest Newborn Babies Normally, newborns are expected to weigh an average of 7.5 pounds or 10. But, […]

The post 17 Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born appeared first on Porumba.

Ever wondered how heavy the heaviest baby would weigh? In this article, we shall be looking at some of the heaviest babies to ever be born and check out how much they weigh.

Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born -Biggest Newborn Babies

Normally, newborns are expected to weigh an average of 7.5 pounds or 10. But, however, we have some pretty remarkable births that are far beyond what we call ‘Normal’. According to research, one factor which can be associated with this extraordinary phenomenon is the age of the pregnant mother before delivery.

The age of the pregnant mother can affect her baby’s growth inside her womb drastically. This is because scientifically proven, women who have past the age of 35 are more likely to face increased chances of birth complications associated with what is termed ‘advanced maternal age’. Other factors such as a woman’s weight, case of diabetes in the mother or high blood pressure can also affect the size and health of her newborn baby.

So, with that said, let’s take you through a list of 17 of the heaviest babies ever to be delivered.

17. Baby Ziad Kadic

Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born

The first baby on our list today is baby Ziad who was born in April 2016 to mother Breanna Sykes at Joondalup Health Campus Hospital and weighed 13 lbs, 2 oz. At the time of his birth, baby Ziad was the largest baby born in Perth, Australia.

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He was thought to weigh around eight to nine pounds based on ultrasounds but surprised the doctors who later realized that he was going to weigh more than that. He was delivered through a cesarean section, with doctors thinking that his large size is due to genetics. Breanna had a completely healthy pregnancy and baby Ziad was healthy at birth.

16. Brian Liddle

Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born

In January 2017, a woman named Natasha gave birth to a 13 lbs, 5 oz baby named Brian in Heidelberg, Australia. The mother of three narrated her ordeal before delivery, saying that she already knew her fourth child was going to be the largest at birth as she experienced trouble finding a comfortable position to sleep in and difficulty climbing the stairs in her home when it got to near the end of her pregnancy.

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But, Surprisingly, baby Avery was born naturally. When he was born, baby Brian was not only one of the biggest babies born at Mercy Hospital for Women but he was also one of the biggest babies ever born in the entire country. Because he was born naturally, extra staff was needed during the birth.

15. Baby Isaac Michael Hall

Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born

Babies are adorable no matter the size they come in. And talk about big adorable babies, Isaac Michael Hall was delivered via C-section at West Penn Hospital back in May 2015. At the time of birth, Isaac Michael Hall weighed 13 pounds, 10 ounces and measuring 25 inches long. He is the largest baby the hospital has delivered in the past 30 years. And to sum it up, he could fit in clothes meant for six-month-old babies.

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14. Baby Avery Ford

Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born

Not sure to believe or not, but Maxxzandra Ford claimed to not have noticed she was pregnant until she was 35 weeks along. According to her, she was in her third trimester when she started experiencing the first signs of typical pregnancy symptoms. For a nurse, it goes without saying that she was well versed in pregnancy. But she says she started to gain weight pain quickly as she started experiencing the symptoms. But, her baby Avery was born naturally.

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What’s shocking is that Maxxzandra said that as soon as her baby’s head came out, she was sure he’d be over 10-pounds. After realizing how big the baby was, doctors immediately asked her to stop pushing. But it was no use, as the baby Avery had already made his debut. Her baby Avery weighed 14.1-pounds and became the biggest baby born at the St. Joseph Women’s Hospital in Tampa, Florida.

13. Delieta Daniel gave birth to 18 pounds baby

Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born

Delieta Daniel gave birth to 18 pounds baby in Toronto, Canada in 2013. The baby came one month earlier than expected so he had to face health problems after birth. He suffered from low blood sugar and poor oxygen levels which meant he spent a month in the hospital recovering and gaining strength.

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His health eventually improved and he gained weight immediately. The baby was recorded to have weighed 18-pounds just after one month, fitting into clothes that would fit babies that are nine months old.

12. Baby Carisa Rusack

In 2014, Caroline and Bryan Rusack welcomed their second child, Baby Carisa Rusack. The baby who was born in Boston, Massachusetts, was delivered through a cesarean section and weighed 14-pounds and 8 ounces at birth. Her size didn’t really come as a huge surprise to her parents and the doctors as well because older siblings weighed almost 11 lbs.

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Aside from some mild pain, their complications during Caroline’s pregnancy. She didn’t suffer from gestational diabetes either. Baby Carisa was 22-inch long at birth and was the second largest baby on record born at that hospital. Today, Mom and baby are both happy and healthy.

11. Firdous Khatun 14-Pound Baby

In 2015, a woman named Firdous Khatun gave birth to a 14-pound and 9 ounces healthy baby boy in India. The delivery which took a surprising 15-minutes despite the shoulders of the baby getting momentarily stuck was described by the doctors as swift. The baby, who is Firdous Khatun ninth child, became the heaviest she has had.

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The baby’s size and the weight came as a surprise to the doctors and everyone because, all of his older siblings each weighed approximately 8-pounds at birth, and no one had expected his to be any different. However, both the baby and the mother were reported to be doing fine when they were discharged from the Rajaram Kalawati Hospital.

10. Nandini 15-pound baby

Nandini is a 19-year-old Indian girl who gave birth to a 15-pound baby girl in 2016. The period of her delivery took an incredible thirty-minute cesarian section procedure at a government hospital in Karnataka, India.

At the time of her delivery, the doctors were scared of the life of the mother and baby due to the weight of the mother who, at that time, weighed 207 pounds. Doctors feared Nandini could have diabetes and it would affect the baby. But, luckily, both Nandini and her 15-pound baby survived and are in good health.

Nandini’s 15-pound baby girl holds the record as the heaviest newborn in India.

9. Baby George King

Baby George King was born on February 11, 2013, at the Gloucester Royal Infirmary by a 21-year-old woman named Jade Pecker. At the time of delivery, Baby George King weighed 15-pounds and 7 oz. Although his delivery came in 2 weeks late, doctors claim Baby George King was delivered naturally, but not without any complications.

According to his parents, delivering Baby George King was difficult because the doctors and his family were unaware of his size and that led to him getting his shoulders stuck during his delivery. He is truly one lucky child because he could not breathe for five whole minutes, and the doctors had given him a 10% chance of survival before he was transferred to St Michaels’s Hospital.

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However, he survived, and after four and a half weeks, Baby George King was able to return home with his parents.

8. Sammisano Joshua Talai Otuhiva

Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born

In 2013, a woman named Sosefina Tagula of California gave birth to a 16 pounds and 1.7-ounce baby boy named Sammisano Joshua Talai Otuhiva. His mother explained that her baby was delivered earlier than expected, and the doctors believed that he would weigh 18 lbs. if he had been born on his due date. His mother claimed that her baby boy Sammisano weighed 25 pounds at just five months, with an insatiable hunger.

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In 2013, a woman named Sosefina Tagula of California gave birth to a 16 pounds and 1.7-ounce baby boy named Sammisano Joshua Talai Otuhiva. His mother explained that her baby was delivered earlier than expected, and the doctors believed that he would weigh 18 lbs. if he had been born on his due date. His mother claimed that her baby boy Sammisano weighed 25 pounds at just five months, with an insatiable hunger.

7. Texas Hospital 16-Pound Baby Boy

Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born

In 2011, the biggest baby ever to be born in the state of Texas was delivered to Janet Johnson, a 39-year-old woman who had been diagnosed with gestational diabetes during her pregnancy. The disease was believed to have contributed to her 24-inch long baby’s incredible weight which was 16-pound at birth.

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The baby, JaMichael, who was born at the Longview Hospital in Texas was placed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit shortly after he was born to receive assistance with his eating and breathing.

6. Cape Town woman gives birth to a 7.6kg baby

Image Credit: Wonderlist.com

Tygerberg hospital in Cape Town was in deep awe in 2007 after a woman by name Cathleen Abels, delivered a baby girl who weighed 16 pounds and 9 ounces. This was the biggest baby ever to be born in that particular hospital. Even before the delivery of her baby, Cathleen Abels and her doctors thought she was carrying twins not after she delivered her baby Chesner.

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According to some unidentified news sources, Cathleen delivered her baby naturally. But, the baby Chesner, had a little bit of difficulty breathing and was given some help with that from a ward.

5. Brazilian Woman Gives Birth to a ‘Giant Baby’

Image Credit: Babygaga.com

In 2005, a Brazilian woman named Francisca dos Santos delivered a baby-boy which weighed 17-pounds through cesarean section at a hospital in Salvador Brazil. The 38-year-old woman was diabetic at the time of her son’s birth, which doctors believed might have been the cause of her child’s unusual size and weight.

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The baby which was named Ademilton dos Santos is the heaviest baby to be born in Brazil till date. The baby after birth was placed on oxygen support because of a breathing problem. However, the baby was recorded to be in good health after delivery.

4. Russian mother Gives Birth to a ‘giant’ baby

Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born

In September 2004, a 34-year-old Russian Woman gave birth to one of the heaviest babies in the world at a hospital in the Altai region of Siberia via cesarean section. The Russian Woman, Tatyana Khalina, was accused to have contributed to her baby’s enormous weight due to her poor diet during her pregnancy. According to a news report, Tatyana Khalina was quoted saying ‘I ate everything, we don’t have money for special food so I just ate potatoes, noodles, and tomatoes. The baby girl which was named Nadia weighed 17-pounds and 5 ounces.

3. Indonesian Mom Gives Birth to 19 lb Baby

Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born

A couple, Handlin and Ani welcomed a baby boy weighing in at 19 pounds and 2 ounces in September of 2009. The baby who was named after Akbar measured 24.4 inches in length. The couple welcomed the baby at Abdul Manon Hospital in Kisaran Sumatra.

The delivery procedure which took a long 40 minutes was believed to have been caused by the mother’s diabetic condition, which led to a series of complications and a cesarean section delivery. She was 41 years of age at the time of her son’s delivery.

2. Carmelina Fedele 22 Pounds Baby Boy

Carmelina Fedele’s 22-pounds and 8 ounces baby holds the record as the heaviest baby ever to be born. The baby, which was delivered in 1995 made it to the Guinness World Records as one of the heaviest babies ever born in the world. Although, not much else is known about Carmelia or her baby as they faded from the public eye, but are still remembered for the history they’ve made.

1. Anna Bates – Gave Birth to the 28 inches Long Baby

Before we talk about the number 1 heaviest baby on our list, I’d like you to take just a quick moment and look at all the babies we’ve listed on our list and tell us what you think after this. Now, unto the heaviest baby to have been born.

Although our number one baby, which was unnamed, was reported to have died 11 hours after birth, the baby is ranked as the heaviest baby ever to have been born on the planet. The baby boy who was born in 1879 by a Canadian woman named Anna Bates, at her home in Ohio, USA was said to have weighed an incredible 9.98kg (22 pounds) and measured 28 inches in length. This baby made it to the Guinness World Records as one of the biggest newborn babies in the world. Would you believe that? That is just amazing!

So, there you have it. A list of the heaviest babies in the world. When you read about the weight of these babies, just take some time and imagine carrying them on your arm, then think of their mothers who had to carry them in their womb for 9 long months.

I sincerely believe all women deserve some respect for their strength and love. Remember to leave a comment in the comment section. We would love to hear from you!

The post 17 Most Heaviest Babies Ever Born appeared first on Porumba.

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