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В Южной Корее заявили, что самолеты РФ вошли в опознавательную зону ПВО страны

Пожар в здании Детского мира на Лубянке ликвидирован

Задержан замглавы администрации Дубны Павел Гришин

В Новосибирске не поддержали идею Матвиенко прикрыть столичные ВУЗы для регионов

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Новости за 02.12.2024


Statistical soup

The latest statistics from the Office of Rail and Road show that revenue from train fares rose by 14 per cent to ?10.4 billion between April 2023 and March 2024, but at a slower rate of increase than journeys, which were up by 16 per cent. Sim Harris has been looking at the latest figures.

Public Discourse  

The “Magnificat Gift” of Advent

Offered daily through the liturgical prayer of the Church, the Magnificat invites every Christian, through Jesus, to see the Holy Spirit in the rare expression of the woman from whose flesh our Savior took his own. The Magnificat is Mary in her own words. It inspires study and imitation of the scriptures by presenting Mary as a gift and invitation, a mother of prayer and listening for all.


Bronx man dies after dispute over rent: sources

THE BRONX (PIX11) -- A man has died following an assault in the Bronx Saturday evening, according to the NYPD. The incident happened around 6:10 p.m. at 1022 Throgs Neck Expressway, police say. The victim was identified as Kristopher Samaroo, 30. Samaroo sustained trauma about the body, police say. He was taken to a local [...]

New England Sportd Network: World Cup 

Bruins’ Charlie McAvoy Explains Shorthanded Goal Celebration

BOSTON — Bruins defenseman Charlie McAvoy potted two goals in Boston’s centennial win over the Montreal Canadiens on Sunday. The first opened the scoring for Boston as the defenseman took a pass from Jordan Oesterle just above the faceoff dot and skated in all alone uncontested for a wraparound tally past Montreal goalie Cayden Primeau. […]


SUP Magazine: A. Smith Bowman's New Whiskey Is an Oaky Stunner—and Only Available for a Limited Time

Following the successful launch of its Oak Series back in March, A. Smith Bowman has unveiled the second addition to the line, Abraham Bowman Oak Series: American Oak. The collection explores cask maturation in different oak varietals from around the world, as well as barrel char’s effect on whiskey flavor. The second edition finds the brand focusing on American white oak. While all bourbon must be aged in new charred oak barrels, American white oak has long been the industry standard. No...


What are futures and options? Know the differences

If you are confused by personal finance terms, jargon and calculations, here’s a series to simplify and deconstruct these for you. In the 27th part of this series, Riju Mehta demystifies the two types of derivative instruments currently popular in the stock market-futures and options.


Is Astral a good buy? Know why analysts are bullish on this stock

Astral Limited: The company exports to more than 31 countries the manufacturing units are spread across India, the US and UK. It is a beneficiary of the buoyant growth prospects of plastic pipes, water tanks, adhesives, paints and sanitaryware segments. The paints segment is driven by rising incomes, preference for durable, aesthetic paints, and real estate growth. Should you buy Astral now?


This equity small-cap fund has generated 30.3% returns in last 5 years: Should you invest?

DSP small-cap fund: This fund was previously run with the ‘micro-cap’ moniker, but was repositioned as a small-cap offering a few years ago. It runs a heavier tilt towards small-caps than many of its peers. The preference is for quality, growth-oriented business with healthy cash flows, scalability and strong management. Should this be in your portfolio?


Upskill, network and start small: A step-by-step guide to a fulfilling career change without starting from scratch

Feeling unfulfilled in your current role? Thinking of a career change but don't know how to start? Well, start with defining your future goals, leveraging your existing skills and learning some new ones. Start small with freelance work or internships and embrace lifelong learning for a successful career pivot. Learn tips for upskilling, building a network, crafting your career narrative, and revamping your resume. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you


Retirement planning: Understand your finances, make a worksheet to do-it-yourself easily

A household’s finances can easily fit in one worksheet of six columns, and it should be updated and maintained once a year, to begin with. The first column should list every single asset that is owned, and every liability (outstanding loans) that is owed, entered as a negative number. The second column, plus numbers against each item of column 1, would be the current market value.


Should you pick funds with 5-star ratings?

A fund might achieve a five-star rating based on its performance over the past six months or high-risk stock bets that delivered significant returns. But remember, this does not guarantee that the fund will perform well in the future. Know how much importance you should assign to ratings while investing


How to write a will: 5 things to know

While registration of a will is not mandatory, doing so at the sub-registrar’s office adds legal weight and reduces the likelihood of disputes. Read on to know more about drafting your will, registering it and updating it from time to time


What is the difference between NRE and NRO accounts?

Money in NRE accounts is also impacted by fluctuations in exchange rates, unlike funds in NRO accounts, which are safe from such volatilities. Before opening these accounts, know the difference between both these accounts

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Сердце остаётся под нагрузкой: свежие данные о состоянии здоровья Тиграна Кеосаяна на 15 марта

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Мастер-класс по декупажу пройдет в районе Марфино


Музыкальные новости

Прогноз погоды в Крыму на 13 марта

«Предсказать исход предстоящей игры невозможно» // Владимир Осипов — о дерби «Спартак»—«Зенит»

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в незаконном обороте наркотиков в крупном размере

«Салават Юлаев» примет «Динамо» Москва, «Автомобилист» – «Торпедо». Превью 13 марта

Новости России

Конкурс «Приношение русской музыке» открылся в Бишкеке

Зеленоглазую седую женщину почти месяц ищут в Изобильненском округе


Что можно отметить в этот день

Экология в России и мире

это строка мета тайтл - заполненные данные реальные

это строка мета тайтл - заполненные данные реальные

III Международный фестиваль детского кино «Хрустальный ИсточникЪ» пройдет в Ессентуках летом 2025 года

Карточка Артиста. Карточка артиста яндекс. Карточка артиста яндекс музыка.

Спорт в России и мире

«Что она творит!». В России отреагировали на разгром в матче Рыбакина — Андреева

Соболенко — о встрече с Андреевой в финале: как старая мама с ребёнком

Мирра Андреева триумфально побеждает чемпионку Уимблдона на турнире в США

Андреева обыграла Свёнтек и вышла в финал турнира WTA в Индиан-Уэллсе


Отделение СФР по Москве и Московской области проактивно открыло свыше 178 тысяч СНИЛС новорожденным

BelkaCar поддержал «Зиму в Москве»: москвичи и гости столицы выбирали каршеринг для поездок на мероприятия проекта

НПС строит новый тоннель на юге столицы

это строка мета тайтл - заполненные данные реальные

Топ новостей на этот час


Региональный центр ООН в Казахстане

Синоптики пообещали москвичам облачную погоду 15 марта

Умер замдиректора центра Боткина хирург Владимир Бедин

Эксперт Осянин анонсировал нововведения в сделках с приватизированным жильем