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Новости за 28.11.2024


Manipur: NPP condemns all forms of violence in state

Manipur's National People's Party (NPP) condemns the violence and killing of women and children. The party has withdrawn support from the BJP-led government headed by N. Biren Singh and demands his replacement. Several MLAs skipped a recent NDA meeting amidst ongoing political turmoil and demands for a separate administration for tribals.

Japan Today 

Trump hails migration talks with Mexico president

President-elect Donald Trump said that Mexico's leader had agreed to "stop" migration in talks Wednesday, effectively closing the southern U.S. border, in claims that went further than his…


Historic Resort Hotels Adding Luxury Homes

Domestic and international buyers love Florida history, which has made the inclusion of new luxury homes in historic 1940s and '50s resort properties a smart decision.

The Punch 

FG plans emergency care for 1.7m pregnant rural women

The Federal Government has said that the Rural Emergency Service and Maternal Transportation initiative targets saving 1.7 million pregnant women in rural areas from maternal death. The representative of the National Emergency Medical Service and Ambulance System, Adejoke Dada, said the project, being undertaken by the Federal Ministry of Health in collaboration with the World

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Mulvaney says threats toward Trump picks is something he’s never seen: ‘Sad result of the heightened rhetoric’

Former White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said he's never seen the type of threats that President-elect Trump's nominees are facing, noting that it's a "sad result of the heightened rhetoric." Mulvaney joined NewsNation’s Mike Viqueria on Wednesday for "The Hill" to discuss the threats against nominated officials and his time in Trump’s first...


China Defence Minister Dong Jun’s fate unclear as corruption probe sparks differing account - Reuters

  1. China Defence Minister Dong Jun’s fate unclear as corruption probe sparks differing account  Reuters
  2. Breaking | China places top PLA general Miao Hua under probe for ‘serious rule violations’  South China Morning Post
  3. China Probes One of Nation’s Top Military Officials, AFP Says  Bloomberg
  4. China’s defence minister placed under investigation for corruption  Financial Times
  5. China calls report that Defence Minister Dong Jun is under probe 'shadow-chasing'  Reuters.com


Pictures of the Year 2023, Part 162/224

French-British actress and singer Charlotte Gainsbourg arrives to attend a state dinner in honor of Britain's King Charles and Queen Camilla at the Chateau de Versailles (Versailles Palace) in Versailles, near Paris, on the first day of their State visit to France on September 20, 2023. (Photo by Benoit Tessier/Reuters)


Numerous bomb threats made against Trump cabinet nominees - BBC.com

  1. Numerous bomb threats made against Trump cabinet nominees  BBC.com
  2. Trump transition team says several Cabinet picks targeted with bomb threats and swatting  CNN
  3. Transition team targeted: Trump nominees receive 'violent' threats ahead of Thanksgiving  Fox News
  4. U.S. Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer receives pipe bomb threat at her home  Oregon Public Broadcasting


Blackhawks Give Away Surprising Prospect, Open Up Contract Slot In Interesting Move

The Blackhawks officially made a trade! No, they didn’t acquire a big-name forward or give up one of their free-agency-bound skaters. However, the move could have big implications moving forward. The Blackhawks’ latest transaction might be a precursor to a bigger move in the next week or two. On Wednesday, Chicago traded forward Ryder Rolston […]


NALCO among 11 stocks to trade ex-dividend tomorrow. Last chance to buy for eligibility

Eleven companies, including National Aluminium (NALCO), will trade ex-dividend on Thursday, November 29th. This is the last day to buy shares and be eligible for the announced dividends. Investors must purchase shares before the ex-date to qualify for payouts. These dividends range from Rs 0.2 to Rs 35 per share.


New Orleans community hoping to find escaped rescue dog before Thanksgiving

Scrim the rescue dog has become a familiar sight to some in New Orleans, as his face has been plastered on missing posters more than once. The well-known rescue dog has escaped once again, but recent sightings give people hope he'll be home again soon. Kati Weis has the story.

Top Stories (us) - Google News (com) 

Aces' Kelsey Plum Announces She's No Longer Participating in Upstart Unrivaled League - Sports Illustrated

  1. Aces' Kelsey Plum Announces She's No Longer Participating in Upstart Unrivaled League  Sports Illustrated
  2. Aces star Kelsey Plum backs out of inaugural Unrivaled season  Yahoo Sports
  3. Kelsey Plum abruptly pulls out of Unrivaled League to take ‘more time for myself’  New York Post
  4. Fans Rally Behind WNBA All-Star After Unexpected Career Announcement  Athlon Sports
  5. Why Has Kelsey Plum Withdrawn From Unrivaled? WNBA Star Drops Bombshell Days After Taking Over Cigar... Читать дальше...

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Проезд по трассе М-4 «Дон» подорожал на 8,5% с 17 февраля

Шойгу пообещал Сербии поддержку в сохранении стабильности

МИД РФ: Лавров призвал укрепить фундамент российско-сербских отношений

Московский суд оштрафовал Google на 3,8 млн рублей

Музыкальные новости

Массовый сбой в работе Сбербанка: что известно

Собянин: тоннель Рублево-Архангельской линии пройдет под руслом Москвы-реки

Южнокорейские гиганты: какие иностранные марки автомобилей могут вернуться в РФ

В Башкортостане в рамках проекта «СВОй Женский Бизнес» 50 жен участников СВО прошли бесплатное обучение по построению бизнеса

Новости России

В новом цикле проекта «Врачи» на ТВ-3 будет рассказана история из Иркутска

Московский инвестор отказался от покупки перевозчика мусора из Бердска

МИД РФ: Лавров призвал укрепить фундамент российско-сербских отношений

Эксперт назвал среднюю зарплату московских таксистов

Экология в России и мире

Из Россию в Турцию запускают регулярный автобусный рейс с недорогими билетами: стали известны цены, маршрут и расписание

Номинант на премию Дарвина: акула откусила две руки перепуганной туристке после того, как она попыталась сфотографироваться с хищником

Интересные каналы в Telegram. Лучшие каналы в Telegram.

Концерт Лолиты Милявской отменили в Ульяновске

Спорт в России и мире

Неожиданный вылет Медведева, США обыграли Канаду на турнире НХЛ. Главное к утру

Рыбакина узнала свое место в мировом рейтинге после разгрома

Даниил Медведев обошел Новака Джоковича в обновленном рейтинге АТР

Медведев обошел Джоковича в рейтинге ATP, став шестой ракеткой мира


Немцы превратили Dacia Duster в очень широкий спорткар

«Байкал Сервис» подвел итоги FTL-перевозок в 2024 году

Терминал сбора данных (ТСД) промышленного класса SAOTRON RT42G

Генерал-лейтенант юстиции К.Е. Корпусов провел личный прием военнослужащих в Сакском военном клиническом санатории им. Н.И. Пирогова Минобороны России

Топ новостей на этот час


Энергетические компании Европы и США могут ...

Макгрегор подал апелляцию на решение по делу об изнасиловании, согласно сведениям СМИ.

Сборная Канады одержала победу над Финляндией и пробилась в финал Турнира четырех наций.

В Москве на западе произошла смертельная авария с участием грузовика.