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Новости за 26.11.2024


Deciphering individual triticale grain weight patterns: A gaussian mixture model approach

by Bo Hwan Kim, Hyeok Kwon, Wook Kim

Grain weight is one of the key phenotypic traits in crops, closely related to yield. However, the actual structure of grain weight distribution is often overlooked. In this paper, to analyze the characteristics of grain weight, we interpret the weight distribution and structure of individual grains of triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack) from the perspective of a sum of normal distributions, rather than a single normal distribution, using the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). Читать дальше...


An accurate semi-empirical model for PMT pulse signal analysis

by Shuo Li, Xudong Lyu, Fei Wang, Chao Sun

The energy information of pulse signals is significantly important for applications such as computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), and research on defects in condensed matter. Time-over-threshold (TOT) and multi-voltage threshold (MVT) are commonly used digitization methods in sampling pulse signal. However, both approaches rely on a mathematical model of the pulse signal to derive energy information. This study proposes a... Читать дальше...


Amyloid-β and phosphorylated tau screening in bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) brains from Italy reveals distinct immunohistochemical patterns correlating with age and co-morbidity

by Ksenia Orekhova, Camilla Testori, Federica Giorda, Carla Grattarola, Virginia Mattioda, Giovanni Di Guardo, Cristiano Corona, Massimo Castagnaro, Eva Sierra, Cristina Casalone, Alessandra Favole, Cinzia Centelleghe, Sandro Mazzariol

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Seasonal and altitudinal dynamics in secondary metabolite composition of Commelina forage species in Konso zone, southern Ethiopia

by Kebede Gelgelo, Yisehak Kechero, Dereje Andualem

Exploring the type and amounts of the secondary metabolites (SMs) in a given fodder species was considered as a meaningful act for safe and profitable utilization of that particular feedstuff in the livestock industry. This study was conducted in the Konso zone, southern Ethiopia, to explore the secondary metabolite composition of Commelina species in two seasons and at two different altitudes. Samples were collected from the two altitudes and seasons. Читать дальше...


Knowledge mobilisation of rapid evidence reviews to inform health and social care policy and practice in a public health emergency: Appraisal of the Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre processes and impact, 2021–23

by Micaela Gal, Alison Cooper, Natalie Joseph-Williams, Elizabeth Doe, Ruth Lewis, Rebecca Jane Law, Sally Anstey, Nathan Davies, Amy Walters, Robert Orford, Brendan Collins, Lisa Trigg, Chris Roberts, Sarah Meredith, Steven Macey, Andrew Carson-Stevens, Jane Greenwell, Ffion Coomber, Adrian Edwards

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Porous biochars derived from brewery waste for the treatment of Cr(VI)-contaminated water

by Zeleke Zewde, Tsegaye Girma Asere, Menberu Yitbarek

The use of brewery waste for the removal of pollutants such as chromium has rarely been studied. In the present work, the removal of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) from aqueous solutions was evaluated by brewer’s spent grain (BSG), brewing sewage sludge (BSS), and their mixture (MIX), which were obtained from the Bedele Brewery Share Company, Ethiopia. BSG with acid and heat treatment at 600 °C was selected during the preliminary screening... Читать дальше...


Suspension height tune-up with constant stiffness properties through motor-driving double-gas-chamber hydro-pneumatic strut: Experimental study and modeling

by Ruihong Li, Fan Yang, Feng Zhao, Weiqiang Zhang, Dezhao Lin

In vehicle suspension, it is important to achieve continuous height adjustment to reduce the possibility of unstable and off-tracking caused by uneven postures. It is usually solved by air suspension, in which the dynamic properties will change under the adjusting process and these changes are not conducive to control. Considering the above, in this paper a double-gas-chamber hydro-pneumatic strut (DHPS) with the constant and/or... Читать дальше...


Association between blood pressure control in hypertension and urine sodium to potassium ratio: From the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2016–2021)

by Youngmin Yoon, Minkook Son


Hypertension (HTN) is linked to an enhanced risk of chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. While sodium and potassium intake affect blood pressure (BP) control, the urine sodium-to-potassium (Na/K) ratio, which reflects dietary balance and renal regulation of these electrolytes, could be associated with BP. This study aimed to evaluate the independent association between urine Na/K and uncontrolled HTN.


Data were collected... Читать дальше...

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Парту героя в честь майора ФСБ Сергея Фролова открыли в школе Наро-Фоминска

Пуртов: жители Москвы могут купить на торгах свыше 100 машино-мест в ЗАО

Активисты города обсудили концепцию Молодежной палаты при Московской городской думе

Работы по созданию двух паркингов почти завершили у станции метро «Рассказовка»

Музыкальные новости

В Центре лицензионно-разрешительной работы Управления Росгвардии по Республике Мордовия состоится прямая линия

Воробьев поздравил школьника их Химок с золотом Олимпиады по математике

В Воскресенске сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в краже чужого кошелька с денежными средствами

В Нолинске прошёл Кубок ЛДПР по настольному теннису

Новости России

Столичные росгвардейцы обеспечили правопорядок на матче КХЛ

Парту героя в честь майора ФСБ Сергея Фролова открыли в школе Наро-Фоминска

Московский суд оштрафовал Центробанк РФ за хранение огнестрельного оружия

Сергунина рассказала о самых посещаемых проектах "Зарядья"

Экология в России и мире

Концерт Лолиты Милявской отменили в Ульяновске

Пермские общественники призвали отменить концерт Лолиты

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Личная охрана в Москве. Профессиональная личная охрана. Услуги личной охраны. 

Спорт в России и мире

Медведев обошел Джоковича в рейтинге ATP, став шестой ракеткой мира

Даниил Медведев — в полуфинале турнира ATP, конфликт Малкома с фанатами. Главное к утру

Неожиданный вылет Медведева, США обыграли Канаду на турнире НХЛ. Главное к утру

Александрова проиграла Анисимовой и не смогла выйти в финал турнира WTA в Дохе


Названы причины загоревшегося накануне трамвая в Орле

ТОП-3 лучших сервисов доставки готовой еды в Москве

Тюменская область вошла в топ-5 регионов по объему неплатежей по кредитам

Секрет профессионального ухода за кожей раскрыт: AIRY AROMA

Топ новостей на этот час


Новый арендатор парка «Молодежный» обязался посадить деревья и альпинарии

Пуртов: жители Москвы могут купить на торгах свыше 100 машино-мест в ЗАО

Работы по созданию двух паркингов почти завершили у станции метро «Рассказовка»

В 2024 году новые проекты в Москве представили 45 групп компаний