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В ДТП с участием фургона в Москве погиб один человек

Несовершеннолетние выбросили своего ребенка в мусорку в Подмосковье

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The future of edge AI: Dye-sensitized solar cell-based synaptic device

Physical reservoir computing (PRC) utilizing synaptic devices shows significant promise for edge AI. Researchers from the Tokyo University of Science have introduced a novel self-powered dye-sensitized solar cell-based device that mimics human synaptic behavior for efficient edge AI processing, inspired by the eye's afterimage phenomenon. The device has light intensity-controllable time constants, helping it achieve high performance during time-series data processing and motion recognition tasks. Читать дальше...

Err.ee (en) 

Watch live: Packed schedule of winter sports on ERR starting this Friday

Fans of winter sports will be able to see plenty of live action on ERR's channels over the coming months. This weekend alone, the Ruka Nordic - FIS World Cup and the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships kick off in Finland, with action from both to be broadcast live on ETV and via the links in this article.


The next evolution of AI begins with ours

The genome has space for only a small fraction of the information needed to control complex behaviors. So then how, for example, does a newborn sea turtle instinctually know to follow the moonlight? Neuroscientists have devised a potential explanation for this age-old paradox. Their ideas should lead to faster, more evolved forms of artificial intelligence.

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Castleford sack Lingard

Not sure if this will help , but MJ gave his latest podcast last week and in it he made specific reference to the stadium , saying that he doesn't think the money will be made available until 2026 .

He says that he feels that there may need to be 2 or 3 interest rate drops before some business projects become more economically viable .

He did also mention that even if the Axiom money became available before then , he didn't feel that we would be in a position to start any building... Читать дальше...


Political opinions influence our choice of chocolate

We distance ourselves from completely neutral products if they are liked by people who have political views that we find disagreeable. Even chocolate can be political, according to new research from Sweden. The behavior is reinforced if we have to make a decision when others are watching.


Using sunlight to recycle black plastics

Not all plastics are equal -- some types and colors are easier to recycle than others. For instance, black foam and black coffee lids, which are often made of polystyrene, usually end up in landfills because color additives lead to ineffective sorting. Now, researchers report on the ability to leverage one additive in black plastics, with the help of sunlight or white LEDs, to convert black and colored polystyrene waste into reusable starting materials.


Impact of climate change on water resources will increase price tag to decarbonize the grid

A new study warns that current plans to achieve zero emissions on the grid by 2050 vastly underestimate the required investments in generation and transmission infrastructure. The reason: these plans do not account for climate change's impacts on water resources. Specifically, changes in water availability caused by climate change could decrease hydropower generation by up to 23% by the year 2050, while electricity demand could increase by 2%.


Study finds genetic mechanisms behind high-yield apple trees

Apples rank among the world's most valuable fruit crops, with production spanning more than 100 countries. Some apple trees naturally develop into what farmers call 'spur-type' varieties -- compact trees that are more productive and easier to maintain. But the genetic mechanisms underlying this coveted trait have remained elusive -- until now.

United Press International (UPI.com) 

Regulators will oversee cash apps including Apple, PayPal

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will start overseeing non-bank companies that offer financial services like online payments and wallet apps, the agency announced Thursday.


Phages, towards a targeted alternative to antibiotics

With the rapid development of antibiotics in the 1930s, phage therapy -- using viruses known as bacteriophages or phages to tackle bacterial infections -- fell into oblivion. But as the current rise in antibiotic resistance is making it increasingly difficult to treat bacterial infections, phage therapy is once again sparking interest among physicians and scientists -- although it remains complex in practice because of the great diversity and specificity of phages.


S&P keeps India's FY25 growth forecast at 6.8%

S&P Global Ratings maintains India's FY25 GDP growth forecast at 6.8% but lowers projections for FY26 and FY27 to 6.7% and 6.8%, respectively. High interest rates and reduced fiscal support are expected to dampen urban demand. While PMIs signal expansion, recent indicators suggest softening growth due to a construction sector downturn.

The Verge 

Cars are polluting less — but for how long?

Photo by Kevin Carter / Getty Images

Cars are getting more efficient and less polluting, resulting in better air quality for everyone, according to a new report from the Environmental Protection Agency. But with a new administration coming in that has made climate change and air pollution less of a priority — and drilling for more fossil fuels more of one — it’s unclear how sustainable this trend will be.

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Улица Коненкова, 1983 год, Москва

Растерзанного собаками мальчика из Сочи перевезут в Москву

Источник 360.ru: в ДТП с четырьмя машинами в Черемушках погиб один человек

Захарова вручила Куртуковой премию за хит «Матушка-земля»

Музыкальные новости

«Я работаю не для того, чтобы нравиться»: топ ярких фраз Минниханова последних лет

Почта России выпустила марку с видом курорта «Манжерок»

Начальник сервисного локомотивного депо (СЛД) «Москва-Сортировочная» филиала «Московский» компании «ЛокоТех-Сервис» Петр Пустовой подводит итоги 2024 года.

Форум "Женское дело. Территория успеха. Бизнес. Красота. Самореализация" пройдет в Москве

Новости России

Московские склоны закроются в конце марта из-за погодных условий.

Растерзанного собаками мальчика из Сочи перевезут в Москву

В Казани за год ставки аренды студий выросли сильнее, чем в Москве

Поломку задержанного самолёта Москва — Красноярск устраняли на глазах пассажиров

Экология в России и мире

Сколько в мире морей и как они называются

Красочные торжества и колоритное веселье в Angsana Velavaru

Пробиотик с историей: доктор Кутушов объяснил, как хурунгэ укрепит ваш иммунитет

Форум "Женское дело. Территория успеха. Бизнес. Красота. Самореализация" пройдет в Москве

Спорт в России и мире

Блинкова проиграла Пегуле и не смогла выйти в полуфинал турнира WTA в Остине

Анастасия Павлюченкова пропустит турнир WTA-1000 в Индиан-Уэллсе

Арина Соболенко поразила всех модным образом на мероприятии WTA. Фото

Три теннисиста из топ-20 ATP снялись с турнира в Акапулько из-за пищевого отравления


Крупную банду мигрантов-наркоторговцев накрыли в Рязанской области

«ТСМ» построит еще 15 км дороги на участке Дюртюли – Ачит

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Чемоданы с человеческими останками нашли в Санкт-Петербурге

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"Корабль "Прогресс МС-30" выполнит стыковку с МКС"

В ДТП с участием фургона в Москве погиб один человек

Тренер назвала главные качества для успеха в воздушной акробатике