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Genomic and bioacoustic variation in a midwife toad hybrid zone: A role for reinforcement?

by Johanna Ambu, Christophe Dufresnes

Hybrid zones, i.e., geographic areas where diverging lineages meet, hybridize and eventually mix their genomes, offer opportunities to understand the mechanisms behind reproductive isolation and speciation. Hybrid zones are particularly well suited to study reinforcement, i.e., the process by which selection against hybridization increases reproductive barriers, which, in anuran amphibians, is typically expressed by increased divergence in advertisement... Читать дальше...


A pathway for skin NTD diagnostic development

by Michael Marks, Sundeep Chaitanya Vedithi, Wendy W. J. van de Sande, Bruno Levecke, Anthony W. Solomon, Kingsley Asiedu, Camilla L. Ducker, Patrick Lammie, Daniel Argaw Dagne, Isra Cruz, on behalf of the WHO Diagnostic Technical Advisory Group on Neglected Tropical Diseases


Prevalence and intensity of Schistosoma mansoni infection, and contributing factors in Alamata district of Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia

by Gessessew Bugssa, Tilahun Teklehaymanot, Girmay Medhin, Nega Berhe


Intestinal schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma mansoni continues to be a significant public health problem in Ethiopia. This study investigated the prevalence and intensity of S.mansoni infection, and contributing factors in Alamata district of Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia.


A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted and 1762 participants were enrolled from five clusters in Alamata district. Читать дальше...


Sex and neo-sex chromosome evolution in beetles

by Ryan Bracewell, Anita Tran, Kamalakar Chatla, Doris Bachtrog

Beetles are the most species-rich group of animals and harbor diverse karyotypes. Most species have XY sex chromosomes, but X0 sex determination mechanisms are also common in some groups. We generated a whole-chromosome assembly of Tribolium confusum, which has a neo-sex chromosome, and utilize eleven additional beetle genomes to reconstruct karyotype evolution across Coleoptera. We identify ancestral linkage groups, termed Stevens elements... Читать дальше...


Mathematical modeling suggests heterogeneous replication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in rabbits

by Vitaly V. Ganusov, Afsal Kolloli, Selvakumar Subbian

Tuberculosis (TB), the disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), remains a major health problem with 10.6 million cases of the disease and 1.6 million deaths in 2021. It is well understood that pulmonary TB is due to Mtb growth in the lung but quantitative estimates of rates of Mtb replication and death in lungs of patients or animals such as monkeys or rabbits remain largely unknown. We performed experiments with rabbits infected with a novel... Читать дальше...


An inductive bias for slowly changing features in human reinforcement learning

by Noa L. Hedrich, Eric Schulz, Sam Hall-McMaster, Nicolas W. Schuck

Identifying goal-relevant features in novel environments is a central challenge for efficient behaviour. We asked whether humans address this challenge by relying on prior knowledge about common properties of reward-predicting features. One such property is the rate of change of features, given that behaviourally relevant processes tend to change on a slower timescale than noise. Hence, we asked whether humans are biased... Читать дальше...


Socially driven negative feedback regulates activity and energy use in ant colonies

by Maurizio Porfiri, Nicole Abaid, Simon Garnier

Despite almost a century of research on energetics in biological systems, we still cannot explain energy regulation in social groups, like ant colonies. How do individuals regulate their collective activity without a centralized control system? What is the role of social interactions in distributing the workload amongst group members? And how does the group save energy by avoiding being constantly active? We offer new insight into these questions... Читать дальше...


Reconstructing the last common ancestor of all eukaryotes

by Thomas A. Richards, Laura Eme, John M. Archibald, Guy Leonard, Susana M. Coelho, Alex de Mendoza, Christophe Dessimoz, Pavel Dolezal, Lillian K. Fritz-Laylin, Toni Gabaldón, Vladimír Hampl, Geert J. P. L. Kops, Michelle M. Leger, Purificacion Lopez-Garcia, James O. McInerney, David Moreira, Sergio A. Muñoz-Gómez, Daniel J. Richter, Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo, Alyson E. Santoro, Arnau Sebé-Pedrós, Berend Snel, Courtney W. Stairs, Eelco C. Tromer, Jolien J. E. van Hooff, Bill Wickstead, Tom A. Williams, Andrew J. Читать дальше...


Video: Manor Solomon scores Leeds brace on loan away from Tottenham

Tottenham loanee Manor Solomon found the back of the net twice for Leeds United, who sealed a dramatic win at the Liberty Stadium against Swansea... The post Video: Manor Solomon scores Leeds brace on loan away from Tottenham appeared first on Spurs Web.

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Меркурис: Путин и Трамп довели Европу до нервного срыва

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Бизнес в России остался без имущественной поддержки

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В тульском магазине запретили продажу незамерзайки с метанолом

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Пермские общественники призвали отменить концерт Лолиты

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Неожиданный вылет Медведева, США обыграли Канаду на турнире НХЛ. Главное к утру

Александрова проиграла Анисимовой и не смогла выйти в финал турнира WTA в Дохе

Сафиуллин заменит дисквалифицированного Синнера на турнире ATP в Дохе

Вердаско иронично прокомментировал победу над Бубликом и Хачановым на турнире в Дохе


Более 100 км федеральных трасс обновили в 2024 году в Тверской и Новгородской областях

ТОП-3 лучших сервисов доставки готовой еды в Москве

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Косметолог Проскурина рассказала, как избавиться от растяжек на коже

«Без тебя»: Janil Natas выпустил трек в день влюбленных

Псковские таможенники сорвали план водителя автобуса подзаработать на доставке лекарств