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Собянин рассказал о завершении очередного этапа усадьбы Валуево

По факту сдачи в аренду имущества Курской области в Москве возбуждено уголовное дело

Синоптик Тишковец сообщил, где на Юге России появились сугробы

Производитель промышленного оборудования стал резидентом ОЭЗ «Технополис Москва»

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Flying to New Orleans

So I'm on an SWA from Nashville to New Orleans. On our approach the flight attendant says over the speaker "I'd bet that we've got more than a few football fans with us today (mild positive murmuring)."
"Do we have any MTSU fans?" (Silence.)
"Any UT fans?" (Silence)
"Any Vanderbilt University fans?" (Big cheers!)

She then oddly starts singing Rocky Top and gets roundly boo'd.

The National Interest 

Kuwait At The Crossroads

On May 10, the Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Mishal Ahmad al-Jaber Al Sabah, suspended the National Assembly and locked up a leading opposition politician for social media comments about foreign interference in Kuwait’s domestic affairs. In his address on state television, the Emir announced that the parliament would not remain suspended for more than four years, meaning that the current state of affairs would not exceed the precedents set in 1976 and 1986. Some outside observers have criticized the... Читать дальше...

The National Interest 

Kuwait’s Crossroads

On May 10, the Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Mishal Ahmad al-Jaber Al Sabah, suspended the National Assembly and locked up a leading opposition politician for social media comments about foreign interference in Kuwait’s domestic affairs. In his address on state television, the Emir announced that the parliament would not remain suspended for more than four years, meaning that the current state of affairs would not exceed the precedents set in 1976 and 1986. Some outside observers have criticized the... Читать дальше...


Biden wants to free you from all those subscriptions you meant to cancel but didn’t

Editor’s note: In October 2024, the administration finalized a new rule making subscriptions easier to cancel — the article below, originally published on August 13, 2024, explains how the rule works. President Joe Biden has made taking on “junk fees” — hidden fees on everything from airline bookings to concert tickets — a key part […]

«Just Jared» 

Peacock Debuts 'The Traitors' Season 3 Trailer - Watch Now!

Get ready for the return of The Traitors! On Friday (November 22), Peacock debuted the first trailer for season 3 of the hit competition series hosted by Alan Cummings featuring 21 celeb contests as they compete for the grand prize of $250,000. Keep reading to find out more…Here’s the synopsis for season 3: “Emmy Award-winning [...]


SUP Magazine: Turtlenecks Are the Biggest Fashion Flex of the Holiday Season (There, I Said It)

Men’s Journal aims to feature only the best products and services.  If you buy something via one of our links, we may earn a commission. It’s been a long, long time since the holiday classic Christmas Vacation made the turtleneck (technically, a mock turtleneck) sweater look ridiculous . So long, in fact, that turtlenecks have gone all the way back to being cool again. Let me explain: The turtleneck, originally worn primarily by men, was once a potent symbol of power and...


How to Choose Between Debt Relief vs. Debt Consolidation

Debt relief is a catch-all term that refers to various strategies for managing and eliminating debt. Debt consolidation is a common strategy that involves simplifying various debts into a single loan, ideally with a lower interest rate. Other debt relief strategies, such as debt settlement, are also worth considering. Below, we’ll review some of these […]

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Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

Dean McCullough ‘looks fuming’ as Ant McPartlin takes another swipe at him after fans spot I’m A Celeb feud... - The Sun

  1. Dean McCullough ‘looks fuming’ as Ant McPartlin takes another swipe at him after fans spot I’m A Celeb feud...  The Sun
  2. ITV I'm A Celebrity fans say the same thing as Dean McCullough leaves main camp for Junkyard  Belfast Live
  3. I’m a Celebrity host Ant McPartlin addresses ‘unprofessional’ treatment of Dean McCullough  The Independent
  4. Ant McPartlin admits he was 'unprofessional' during I'm A Celebrity trial as he vows to be 'kinder'  GB News
  5. NI’s Dean McCullough... Читать дальше...


Allegany County woman arrested for alleged theft of 30K in pension checks

BUFFALO N.Y. (WIVB) -- An Allegany County woman was arrested after allegedly stealing close to $30,000 in pension checks, officials announced Friday. Linda Burrows, of Fillmore, N.Y., allegedly stole $29,893 in state pension checks that were sent to her deceased stepfather. Burrows' mother was a former custodian for the Yorkshire Pioneer Central School District. After [...]


Case Study Spotlight: How Lumen's Network Enhanced Seattle Seahawks Player-Fan Experience

Forbes CRO Sherry Phillips sits down with Seattle Seahawks VP of Technology Chip Suttles and Lumen Technologies EVP & Chief Technology and Product Officer Dave Ward to uncover a unique partnership between Lumen Technologies and the Seattle Seahawks, and discuss how they have worked together to create innovative solutions that cater to the needs and preferences of both players and fans, further enhancing the overall game day experience.

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


В парке «Зарядье» в 2024 году побывало рекордное число посетителей

Рубио, Уолтц и Уиткофф встретятся с российской делегацией в Эр-Рияде, пишет WP

В казанском ЖК «Лето» появится новая школа более, чем на 1,2 тыс. мест

В Суздале прошел турнир «Мемориал Кутузова»

Музыкальные новости

Создание ИИ клипа. Создание клипа с помощью нейросети.

Трамп неожиданно снизил цены на туры в Турцию для российских туристов на предстоящее лето: туроператоры уже подсчитали их выгоду

Собянин: Пожарно-спасательные вертолеты города теперь ремонтируют в Москве

AI Певица. Создание AI Певицы. AI Певец. AI Артист.

Новости России

Салах передумал уходить из «Ливерпуля», пишут СМИ

Собянин рассказал о завершении очередного этапа усадьбы Валуево

Макар Хлебников: «Нет лучше качества, чем наивность»

Все для 23 февраля в Fix Price

Экология в России и мире

Коллекция Valentino весна-лето 2025 (SS-2025)

Рассказ писателя из Арцаха «Колонна длиною в жизнь» стал лауреатом международного конкурса

Министр здравоохранения СК Ю.В. Литвинов провел личный прием граждан

«Паруса на крыше» стали официальным представителем проекта «Петербургская кухня»

Спорт в России и мире

Медведев обошел Джоковича в рейтинге ATP, став шестой ракеткой мира

Рыбакина узнала свое место в мировом рейтинге после разгрома

Медведев обошел Джоковича в рейтинге ATP и стал шестой ракеткой мира

Сафиуллин заменит дисквалифицированного Синнера на турнире ATP в Дохе


"Логистика абсолютно не настроена": жители Екатеринбурга по-прежнему недовольны общественным транспортом

Названы причины загоревшегося накануне трамвая в Орле

Секрет профессионального ухода за кожей раскрыт: AIRY AROMA

Этот «ушастый» Запорожец полностью восстановлен и выглядит как новенький

Топ новостей на этот час


Собянин рассказал о завершении очередного этапа усадьбы Валуево

Псковские теннисисты Nordman стали призерами турнира «Кубок ТТплэй РФ»

Каждый километр удаления от центра снижает стоимость жилья на три процента

Производитель промышленного оборудования стал резидентом ОЭЗ «Технополис Москва»