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Слова Орбана о Германии заставили журналиста Карлсона расхохотаться в эфире

Столичные росгвардейцы обеспечили правопорядок на матче КХЛ

Ветеринар Сиротина: удалять кошкам когти нельзя — это продолжение их «пальцев»

Минобороны РФ: «Ланцет» уничтожил боевую бронемашину ВСУ в Курской области

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Новости за 22.11.2024


East Riding of Yorkshire expands free public Wi-Fi service

(Telecompaper) East Riding of Yorkshire Council has expanded its free outdoor public Wi-Fi service to five additional locations, after receiving extra government funding through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund...


Telenet adds Dazn app to TV box

(Telecompaper) Telenet has added the Dazn app to its TV box, so its cable customers can access the premium sports service. This adds to other apps such as HBO Max...


The Treasurer Will See You Now: Collaboration Is the Medicine the Healthcare Industry Needs

Treasurers play a vital role in healthcare firms by managing liquidity and influencing financial health. But how often is their expertise underutilized due to limited interdepartmental collaboration? Healthcare treasurers report significant barriers preventing them from fully contributing to strategic decisions. The consequences? Reduced cash flow predictability and missed opportunities for financial optimization. The latest PYMNTS […]

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Vast swathes of Britain under warnings for up to 8inches of snow & ice TODAY – before Storm Bert’s wrath this weekend

VAST swathes of Britain are under warnings for snow and ice today.

Parts of Scotland will be blanketed by up to eight inches of snow as Storm Bert strikes this weekend, with a danger to life warning in place.

Met OfficeWeather warnings for Friday cover much of the country[/caption] Met OfficeAn amber warning is also issued for Saturday[/caption] Met OfficeWarnings continue into Sunday[/caption] LNPA car drives through blizzard conditions in Buxton[/caption]

Airports... Читать дальше...

The Punch 

JUST IN: Supreme Court nullifies National Lottery Act

The Supreme Court, on Friday, nullified the National Lottery Act 2005 enacted by the National Assembly. A seven-member panel of the Supreme Court in a unanimous judgment held that the National Lottery Act 2005 should no longer be enforced in all states, except the Federal Capital Territory, in respect of which the National Assembly is

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The Punch 

Man, girlfriend arrested for kidnapping, murder of 70-year-old woman in Enugu

A 33-year-old man, Ikechukwu Okoye, and his 39-year-old girlfriend, Juliet Ogbodo, have been arrested by the Enugu State Police Command for allegedly kidnapping and murdering a 70-year-old woman, Mrs. Mary Nwatu. The suspects, both from Onuorie-Obuno in Akpugo Community, Nkanu West Local Government Area of the state, reportedly killed the victim and buried her in

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Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

US House passes bill to relocate ‘Afghan Allies’

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill to support efforts to relocate Afghan allies of Washington to the United States. The legislation calls for the appointment of a coordinator in the U.S. State Department to oversee these efforts. According to the text of the “Afghan Relocation Efforts Coordinator Act 2024,” published on the […]

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Panel: Data-Driven Paradigms Future-Proof Security Lifecycle Management

As digital payments scale, the sophistication of scams matches their pace. This ongoing dichotomy forces payment ecosystems to adopt more adaptive and resilient fraud prevention measures. Marcos Gelfi, vice president – global head of commercial fraud/dispute products and cardholder solutions at Discover® Global Network, Jeff Hallenbeck, head of payments at Forter, and Freyja McKenna, head […]

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Coleen Rooney Opens Up About Marriage To Husband Wayne And His Past 'Mistakes'

Coleen Rooney in the I'm A Celebrity jungle

Coleen Rooney lifted the lid on her marriage to husband Wayne in a candid conversation with her I’m A Celebrity campmates.

During Thursday night’s highlights show, Coleen spoke to her fellow contestants about Wayne’s relationship with fame.

“All he wanted to do was play football,” she began. “And he struggled with the fame side of it. He hated that.

“If he could have just played football and had none of the fame, I think he would... Читать дальше...

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Задержали замгубернатора Ростовской области Рачаловского

Тамбовскую молодёжь приглашают в студотряды

19-летняя костромичка помогла мошенникам обмануть москвичку на 50 млн рублей

Ефимов: в Даниловском районе Москвы построят школу

Музыкальные новости

Кадеты шатурского «Гвардейского класса» посетили с экскурсией ОМОН «Пересвет» Росгвардии в преддверии дня образования подразделений боевой подготовки.

Changan: модели с полным приводом

«Газпром» намерен продать санаторные объекты в Подмосковье и Тверской области

Концерт органной музыки из цикла «Контрасты эпох» состоится сегодня

Новости России

Центробанк оштрафовали за нарушение правил хранения оружия

Аккаунт разработчика Google Play Console и Apple Developer. Как создать из России 2025. Пошаговая инструкция регистрации

Тамбовскую молодёжь приглашают в студотряды

Ефимов: в Даниловском районе Москвы построят школу

Экология в России и мире

Трамп неожиданно снизил цены на туры в Турцию для российских туристов на предстоящее лето: туроператоры уже подсчитали их выгоду

Не покупайте такие сувениры: туристам угрожают тюрьмой за некоторые покупки на популярном тропическом курорте

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Сафиуллин заменит дисквалифицированного Синнера на турнире ATP в Дохе

Даниил Медведев обошел Новака Джоковича в обновленном рейтинге АТР

Медведев о допинговом деле Синнера: «Надеюсь, теперь каждый теннисист сможет защитить себя»

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Овчинский: за 2025 год Единый контактный центр провел почти 4 тыс. консультаций

Нижегородская область скатилась в рейтинге по качеству жизни

Подозреваемого в убийстве двух человек молотком в Орле заключили под стражу

Спектакли, сказки и экскурсии: как прошли выходные в кинопарке «Москино»