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Новости за 21.11.2024


With McMahon, Trump shrugs off lack of school experience for Education nod

For a normal administration, Linda McMahon would be an unusual pick for Education secretary. But President-elect Trump has given no indication he wants a normal administration. McMahon has little direct experience with education but has been a friend and ally of Trump for decades and is the only person so far the president-elect has selected...


Looking forward on voting rights

Daria Dawson was raised in Florida by two educators. From a young age, they made sure she and her brother understood that voting was their voice — and their voice had power. “My parents were taking us with them when we were children to watch them vote,” Dawson, executive director of the progressive nonprofit America...


Warren, Kim bill requires nat sec nominees to disclose foreign government work

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Sen.-elect Andy Kim (D-N.J.) are joining forces on a bill that would require several presidential nominees working on national security issues to publicly disclose past work for foreign governments. The bill, introduced in both chambers Thursday, would require Senate-confirmed leaders at the Departments of Defense, State, and Treasury, as well...


GOP warns Gaetz hearings will be 'Kavanaugh on steroids'

Senate Republicans are warning confirmation proceedings for former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) will be like “Kavanaugh on steroids,” referring to the contentious hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in 2018. GOP senators say allegations against Gaetz of sexual misconduct and illicit drug use, as well as the findings of the Department of Justice’s probe...


GOP senators hold back judgment on Hegseth sexual assault allegation

Republican senators appear to be giving Pete Hegseth, President-elect Trump’s pick to head the Pentagon, the benefit of the doubt after his lawyer confirmed he paid a woman who accused him of sexual assault in 2017 to avoid a lawsuit. Hegseth, a Fox News commentator last week announced by Trump as his intended Defense secretary,...


Republicans feel optimistic heading into New Jersey, Virginia elections

Republicans are feeling optimistic heading into Virginia and New Jersey’s 2025 off-year elections, after the party improved their margins in the states in the presidential election.  President-elect Trump lost the usual Democratic stronghold of New Jersey by about 6 points, dramatically narrowing the gap from 2020, when he lost it by about 16 points. And...


The Memo: Gaetz seen as Trump pick most in danger of failing

President-elect Trump has sparked a Washington guessing game by selecting several controversial nominees for high-level posts. The question is whether one or more of his picks will be denied confirmation by the Senate. Most insiders see four Trump picks in particular as being controversial. They are former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) as attorney general, former...


5 obstacles Republicans will face on the road to tax cuts

Republicans are facing some tough decisions regarding their desired tax cuts as one of their top legislative priorities, some of which have dogged the conference for years. While there is broad GOP support for renewing key parts of President-elect Trump's 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, there are divides over other details. Disagreements over the...


What Trump's win means for renewable energy

President-elect Trump’s victory has delivered some bad news for climate-friendly energy, but experts say they don’t expect the renewables sector to falter in the long term.  Trump has railed against certain renewable technologies, particularly wind energy. He has vowed to repeal regulations that could speed up renewable adoption. And, with Republicans securing control in the House and Senate, the...


Medicaid cuts in crosshairs as Trump, GOP take control 

Significant cuts to Medicaid could be on the table next Congress as President-elect Trump and Republicans look for ways to offset tax cuts and streamline government spending. Republicans on Capitol Hill don’t seem thrilled with the idea, but aren’t rejecting it outright. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said it was too soon to be sure whether...

The New Yorker 

Will Kids Online, In Fact, Be All Right?

A new documentary reveals social-media platforms’ iron grip on the lives of teen-agers, one that’s increasingly being linked to a slew of mental-health issues. How scared should we be?

The New Yorker 

Frank Auerbach’s Raw Truths

“I find it all very difficult,” the late German-born British artist said, and few painters have done as much to show the struggle of creative endeavor.

The New Yorker 

Can Shostakovich Ever Escape Stalin’s Shadow?

Endless debate over whether the ending of the composer’s Fifth Symphony represents a capitulation to Soviet demands or a secret dissent obscures a more tantalizing possibility.

Empire of The Kop 

Neville & Wright seriously disagree with Roy Keane about ‘unbelievable’ £34.3m Liverpool star

Roy Keane didn’t seem particularly keen to dish out praise to Liverpool midfielder Ryan Gravenberch. For the vast majority of the rest of the footballing world with an opinion worth listening to, however, we were delighted to see the Dutch international get his flowers. The former Bayern Munich star – who endured a torrid time […]

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Губернатор Воробьев: в Подмосковье строятся новые объекты для спорта

Даже «Прямая линия» Путина не помогла: 8-летнему ребенку вновь накрутили 61 тысячу долга

Невероятный камбэк с 0:4 вдохновит Жамнова на победу в дерби. Прогноз на «Спартак» — «Динамо» Москва

Что делать, если в семье есть психически больной — и он отрицает лечение

Музыкальные новости

Россиянин Труфанов получил пулевое ранение во время похищения ХАМАС

«Газпром» хочет продать офисы и санатории в Московской и Тверской областях

Волейбол. 23-й тур: «Локомотив» - «Уралочка-НТМК» - 3:1

Ракета SpaceX вывела на орбиту более 20 интернет-спутников Starlink

Новости России

Флиппинг выселяется из квартир // Почему инструмент теряет свою привлекательность для инвесторов

Россия, к разочарованию Кишинева, нашла выход из энергокризиса для Приднестровья

Невероятный камбэк с 0:4 вдохновит Жамнова на победу в дерби. Прогноз на «Спартак» — «Динамо» Москва

В Абхазии проведут второй тур президентских выборов

Экология в России и мире

PROfashion Masters: полуфинал

Охрана Артистов. Охрана Певцов. Охрана Концертов.

В Москве состоялась презентация новой винтовки «Грифон» от завода АТАМАН

«Интерткань-2025. Весна» в «Тимирязев Центр»

Спорт в России и мире

Теннисист Медведев: надеюсь, теперь каждый может договориться с WADA, как Синнер

Медведев вышел в полуфинал турнира ATP в Марселе

Кудерметова вышла в четвертьфинал парного турнира WTA-1000

Александрова вышла в полуфинал престижного турнира WTA в Дохе


Одежда, стройматериалы, шины и удобрения — лидеры онлайн-продаж в 2024 году

В Екатеринбурге над Объездной дорогой и Кольцовским трактом пустят трамвайную линию

Секрет профессионального ухода за кожей раскрыт: AIRY AROMA

Окно в лето...

Топ новостей на этот час


Российская Культура освобождается от черви

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