A Delhi court on Tuesday issued release warrants for BRS leader K Kavitha in corruption and money laundering cases related to alleged Delhi excise policy scam. Special Judge Kaveri Baweja issued the order after being informed that the politician was granted bail earlier in the day by the Supreme Court in both the cases. The judge granted relief on a personal bond of Rs 10 lakh each in both the cases along with sureties. An apex court bench noted that Kavitha has been in custody for around five months... Читать дальше...
The guitarist kills talk of reuniting with Morrissey by sharing a picture of the Clacton MP on X.
The guitarist kills talk of reuniting with Morrissey by sharing a picture of the Clacton MP on X.
Parva Liga 2024/2025 - Matchday 5 - Played 19-Aug-24 - Posted by Hce
With the iPhone 16 event date announced, Apple is readying several other products for the keynote. While rumors have previously mentioned that Apple plans to …
Читать дальше...Huset's Speedway hosts a marquee World of Outlaws NOS Energy Drink Sprint Car Series tripleheader this weekend. [...]
This week, the North American steel industry meets in Atlanta to address challenges like declining U.S. demand, falling prices, and a surplus of Chinese steel. At the same time, crucial data on Brazilian sugar production will offer insights into potential price movements in the sweetener market. Meanwhile, U.S. crude oil inventories at a key storage […]
The Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Inter-Governmental Affairs, Canice Nwachukwu, on Tuesday, urged all government ministries, departments, and agencies in the country to fulfil their responsibilities to Nigerians effectively. He made this statement at the ongoing three-day National Conference on Public Service Delivery, held at the International Conference Centre, Ibadan, the capital
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AI influencers on X and other social platforms are having a strange month.
Hain Celestial’s stock were headed higher again on Tuesday, after the better-for-your foods company beat fourth-quarter profit expectations as improved gross margin helped offset a sales that fell a bit short.
Katie Price launched into a furious rant outside the High Court as her latest bankruptcy hearing was adjourned.
Summary and Key Points: The U.S. Air Force is developing the B-21 Raider, a next-generation stealth bomber designed to maintain America’s air superiority. However, despite the Raider's advanced capabilities, concerns arise over the limited production of only 100 units.
Читать дальше..."We are cooperating with our closest ally and neighbor within many formats," Sergey Ryabkov noted
Ex-Bradford Bulls winger David Foggin-Johnston is given a two-year ban from rugby league after testing positive for cocaine.
The gown shimmered in the sun as Mia flaunted all of her curvaceous angles in front of the camera, and it's safe to say the comment section turned into a frenzy for the ex-adult star
From a grand royal robbery to a touching personal memory, Princess Märtha Louise of Norway will certainly make a stunning impression whatever jewellery she chooses to don when she walks down this aisle this week
Pioneer, the Japanese car audio and entertainment system maker, plans to expand its presence in the Indian automotive market by focusing on partnerships with local automakers. Historically, Pioneer India has concentrated on the aftermarket sector, but the company now aims to enter the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) space.