While JKC had transferred Rs 200 crore to the lenders account by September 30, 2023, it had won a favourable order from NCLAT for adjustment of the performance bank guarantee of Rs 150 crore. The order was later overturned by SC, which asked JKC to deposit Rs 150 crore by January 31.
Second Alabama clinic pauses IVF treatments after frozen embryo ruling BBCView Full coverage on Google News
The government is trying to eliminate democracy, opposition MPs say.
A police operation rolled out across Staffordshire has seen 70 driving offences recorded over five days in a crackdown on road safety.
Eddy Cue, Apple's senior vice-president of services, told reporters at Inter Miami's 2-0 win over Real Salt Lake on Wednesday that Messi had made a huge impact on subscriptions bringing in new viewers from Europe and South America as well as North America. "I'm excited that there are teams that are definitely pushing hard. Obviously what Inter Miami has done is an example of that and I think there needs to be more teams doing that and I think there will be," Cue said. "At least I've seen it enough... Читать дальше...
Tonight's edition of DNA dives into the factors contributing to BYJU's downfall, it underscores the need for accountability and transparency in corporate governance.
A private lunar lander circled the moon while aiming for a touchdown that would put the U.S. back on the surface for the first time since NASA's famed Apollo moonwalkers.
Pro wrestling combines spectacle and physical performance, and the passion of individuals in the art is no better seen than on the independent level. Before the likes of Kevin Owens, the Young Bucks, Orange Cassidy and Kris Statlander became stars in WWE and AEW, they got their start in independent wrestling, performing all over the […]
Shah Rukh Khan meets MI, DC players, teaches Meg Lanning iconic pose
The 2024 Independent Spirit Awards are nearly here! The awards show, presented annually to independent filmmakers, was first founded in 1984, and is produced by Film Independent, a not-for-profit arts organization that used to produce the LA Film Festival. Film Independent members vote to determine the winners of the Spirit Awards. The 2024 ceremony will [...]
Madonna, The Weeknd, and Playboy Carti premiered their "Popular" music video on Fortnite more than a week ago. Now the visual is out on YouTube.
It's still yet to become clear how Sir Jim Ratcliffe will run Manchester United, but one particular message inside his INEOS headquarters has shed some light on his ideals
Tripadvisor announced the top beaches in the U.S. according to customer reviews over the last year. See which sandy vacation spots made the list for 2024!
FTA talks likely to be concluded in a few days with EFTA, comprising Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland; concerns remain about a clause which could delay access to generic drugs in India by six years
Social media users were moved to tears by the dad in the viral clip, with one saying he "deserves the whole world."
The parents of two teenage survivors of a fire at an Indigenous girls' dormitory in Guyana have filed a lawsuit against the government, alleging negligence.
Retail tycoon Mike Ashley says his lawsuit against Morgan Stanley is in part because the bank acted out of "snobbery."
The initial version of the Pentagon’s effort to create an interoperable information-sharing network across all of its military domains is “low latency and extremely reliable,” according to Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks.
A Canadian family doctor originally planned to retire at age 72. He's putting it off because he hasn't been able to find any physicians willing to take over his practice.
The U.S. census is based on population, not citizens. That gives Democrats in blue states an extra incentive to welcome illegal migrants.
KINGS OF LEON are back to claim their title of rock royalty with a huge headline set at BST Hyde Park and a brand new album.
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