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В Москве завершились съемки исторического сериала «Князь Андрей»

Водитель "Логана" погиб в тройном ДТП на калужской трассе

Продукция из Рязанской области получила государственный Знак качества

Бастрыкин потребовал доклад по делу о попытке изнасилования в такси Самары

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Новости за 29.11.2023

Sputnik International 

Nuclear Submarines Priority for Russian Navy - Commander

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The construction of multipurpose and strategic nuclear submarines is a priority for the Russian navy and shipbuilding industry, Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Nikolai Yevmenov said on Wednesday.

Sports - Google News (uk) 

Scotland, England and Ireland brace for ice and snow as temperatures drop - The Independent

  1. Scotland, England and Ireland brace for ice and snow as temperatures drop  The Independent
  2. Snow and ice warnings issued for parts of UK  BBC
  3. Worcestershire weather: Snow falling on Malvern Hills | Worcester News  Worcester News
  4. North Yorkshire: Snow and Ice lead to road closure  YorkMix
  5. View Full coverage on Google News

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's pragmatic sidekick, dies at 99 - The Times

  1. Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's pragmatic sidekick, dies at 99  The Times
  2. Charlie Munger, right-hand man of Warren Buffett, dies aged 99  The Guardian
  3. Tributes pour in for investment guru Charlie Munger  BBC
  4. The Charlie Munger Principles to Invest and Live By  Bloomberg
  5. Charlie Munger: Warren Buffett's right-hand man dies aged 99  The National
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


Small but mighty companies working on ESA’s planetary defence mission

There are 28 small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) working on ESA’s Hera planetary defence mission, which involves about 100 companies in total. These SMEs are building European cutting-edge technologies for the spacecraft, its instruments and two CubeSats.

The Japan Times 

Kishida to possibly meet Israeli president on Friday

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is arranging to meet with Israeli President Isaac Herzog as early as Friday on the sidelines of a U.N. conference on climate change amid the Middle Eastern nation's war with Hamas, government sources said.


Habitat on the edges

Krithi Karanth and other conservationists from around the world are fighting to protect wildlife on our increasingly urbanized planet.

The Foreign Policy Initiative 

Unfavorable Deals: Assessing the Most Questionable Contracts Across All NHL Teams

Considering how many NHL fans are out there and how many young kids also dream of becoming professional athletes, no wonder that most people are interested only in the most successful players. However, every team in the league has a contract on the books that is questionable. This article will take a look at each team’s worst contract. While the highest paid NHL players undoubtedly shape each team’s future, the poorly performing players do exactly the same thing and this is why it makes sense... Читать дальше...


Small finance banks seek clarity on micro loan risk weightage

Microfinance loans constitute a majority share of SFBs' loan portfolio, barring a few exceptions like AU and Equitas. The confusion arose because the regulator categorically exempted microfinance and self-help group loans from the requirement of higher capital allocation for non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) while it remained silent about the status of microfinance loans for banks including SFBs.


Small finance banks wants RBI to clear doubt about micro loan risk weightage

Microfinance loans constitute a majority share of SFBs' loan portfolio, barring a few exceptions like AU and Equitas. The confusion arose because the regulator categorically exempted microfinance and self-help group loans from the requirement of higher capital allocation for non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) while it remained silent about the status of microfinance loans for banks including SFBs.

FashionNetwork.com (uk) 

Arket's Selfridges concession has opened

​Arket’s hotly anticipated first concession store has opened in London’s Selfridges with the debut radically expanding the Nordic fashion and lifestyle brand’s presence as it has only four standalone stores in the UK.

Err.ee (en) 

Estonia to be guest of honor at 2025 Bologna Children's Book Fair

In 2025, Estonia will be the guest of honor at the Bologna Children's Book Fair. The fair, which is the world's oldest and largest children's literature event, brings together thousands of children's book authors and creators from around the world every spring.

Sydney Morning Herald 

UK pub's Christmas ad goes viral

The low budget Christmas ad for Charlie's Pub in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland has gone viral for it's sweet, sentimental message with it being compared to a John Lewis commercial.


Ronnie O’Sullivan opens up on ‘worst time of my life’ when snooker legend felt like he had ‘let himself down’

RONNIE O’SULLIVAN has opened up on the “worst time” in his life.

The snooker legend admitted that he felt like he had “let himself down”.

Sky SportsRonnie O’Sullivan opened up on the ‘worst time in his life’[/caption] GettyHe is the seven-time World Champion[/caption]

O’Sullivan, 47, has struggled with mental health problems and daily addictions during his trophy-filled career.

The seven-time World Champion revealed that he had issues with confidence and a lack of consistency. Читать дальше...

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Незаконные вывески демонтируют в Троицке

Тела погибших на Урале футболистов отправили на экспертизу

Сдан комплекс апартаментов «Измайловский Парк»

Baza: на Сахалине задержали мужчину с неизвестным ранее наркотиком

Музыкальные новости

Команда Росгвардии в Тюмени завоевала «бронзу» на соревнованиях спортивного общества «Динамо»

«Локомотив» взыскал полмиллиона рублей с выбежавшего на лед во время матча болельщика

Менеджер Песни. Менеджер Релиза Песни. Менеджер вышедшей песни.

Путин открыл совещание с правительством по видеосвязи из Петербурга

Новости России

Транспортники Петербурга рассказали о виртуальном подорожнике в Москве

Baza: на Сахалине задержали мужчину с неизвестным ранее наркотиком

Дмитриев заявил о провале политики по сдерживанию России

Взятка в 15 миллионов: что известно об аресте генерал-майора Росгвардии Рябых

Экология в России и мире

Почему МИД РФ упорно отрицает этнические чистки в Нагорном Карабахе?

Владимир Кузьмин поздравит женщин с 8 марта большим весенним концертом

Выпускной вечер в Marins Park Hotel Нижний Новгород

Новосибирск в строю: как город отметит 23 февраля

Спорт в России и мире

Кафельников призвал теннисистов бойкотировать матчи с Синнером

Сафиуллин заменит дисквалифицированного Синнера на турнире ATP в Дохе

Александрова попала в топ-5 чемпионской гонки WTA.

Касаткина вновь приблизилась вплотную к топ-10 рейтинга WTA


Bluetooth-сканер штрих-кодов SAOTRON P04 на базе CMOS-матрицы


Heroje H288BW- портативный сканер штрих-кодов с интерфейсом Bluetooth

Таинство первого снега (продолжение)

Топ новостей на этот час


Бастрыкин потребовал доклад по делу о попытке изнасилования в такси Самары

Этажерка для авто. В Москве растет спрос на двухъярусные парковки

В Москве завершились съемки исторического сериала «Князь Андрей»

«Все пенсионеры имеют накопления»: Лолита не грустит из-за массовой отмены концертов в России