The 36th National Games was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a glittering opening ceremony here on Thursday evening in the presence of over 100,000 ecstatic spectators. In keeping with the Olympic convention, but with a modern twist, Gujarat's swimming star Maana Patel brought in the symbolic Torch of Unity into the arena and handed it over to the Prime Minister. Watched and applauded by several current and past sports icons, including Olympic champion Neeraj Chopra, Olympic medallists PV Sindhu... Читать дальше...
Some scientists are keen to send humans to Venus on a flyby.
Vast amounts of digital data is stored on computer servers and never used.
Whether it’s flu season or your everyday medications, prescription apps are saving people money, and that makes PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Prescription Apps a must read. That’s our opinion of course, but this latest tally finds an interesting mix of apps holding tight to their chart positions, along with a bevy of new entrants. The […]
The prime minister was asked about her plans during a series of BBC local radio interviews.
The prime minister was asked about her plans during a series of BBC local radio interviews.
Federal Minister for Climate Change Senator Sherry Rehman on Thursday announced that parliament has approved the country’s biggest climate initiative — Living Indus — aimed at protecting the cradle of civilisations under serious threat due to environmental degradation and anthropogenic activities.
Читать дальше...Former Manchester United youngster Federico Macheda was convinced Ravel Morrison would become a future superstar. 'Ravel Morrison. He was a great, crazy talent,' Macheda revealed.
The Manitoba government is increasing funding to the University of Saskatchewan's Western College of Veterinary Medicine to help offset an ongoing Manitoba vet shortage.
The Miami Dolphins and Philadelphia Eagles headline Nick Wright's NFL tiers entering Week 4 of the season.
Ian Is Forecast to Hit South Carolina After Regaining Hurricane Strength The New York TimesView Full Coverage on Google News
Kate, 40, looked elegant in a navy Alexander McQueen suit and white bodysuit as she met the Royal Navy's ship company of HMS Glasgow at the Berkshire residence.
Life Lately
Wow. It is truly hard to believe that we are just a couple days away from October. Before I give you all a “quick” life update, I wanted to apologize for being so absent in this space. Since starting this little corner of the internet 11 1/2 years so much has life has happened and I feel like now with two (small) children, this space has taken somewhat of an unplanned backseat. While that was *not* the plan, after many of the DM’s and e-mails I have received from you all ...... Читать дальше...
Morag Govans has urged William MacDowell to confess what he did with the remains of her sister and nephew after murdering them more than 45 years ago.
It’s been more than 90 days since MLS struck its deal with Apple to exclusively broadcast every game from 2023 through 2033. Since then, the league hasn’t shared any more details about its broadcast plans for next season. And with the 2023 season rapidly approaching, time is running out. Taking the domestic US league that […]
David Blaine joins host Sean Evans for a fascinating conversation about the art of illusion against the backdrop of some seriously hot sauces.
easyWire wrote:
Ironically, the place you’re most likely to pick up a Toby King.
Statistics: Posted by MorePlaymakersNeeded — Thu Sep 29, 2022 4:12 pm
Kate Hudson attended the premiere for "Mona Lisa And The Blood Moon."
Feel I need to sprinkle a little Orta appreciation on all this negativity
Knock every transfer that didn't work out. They're small costs compared to the gains we've made
Financially look at: Raphinha, Harrison, Meslier, Strujik, Gelhardt, Perkins, Summerville, Gnonto ... and many more
For every Jay Roy Grot, I'll give you a Illan Meslier. For every Laurens De Bock, a Pascal Strujik. There may be more signings that didn't make it than signings that did. But the financial gains are much bigger than the financial losses. Читать дальше...
World number two Rory McIlroy gives his support to caddie Harry Diamond after failing to win a major since 2014.
With less than six weeks to go until Election Day, and early voting already underway in some states, California’s Proposition 27 prompts the most ad spending.
When Bills quarterback Josh Allen signed his long-term contract with Buffalo, we said that Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson should ask his team to change the names and give Lamar the exact same deal. That didn’t happen. Then came the Deshaun Watson contract. Jackson basically asked the team to change the names and give him that deal. [more]
Azeem Rafiq and Lord Patel are set to be asked to appear.