Recent events suggest that Mr. Trump needs reminding that he’s merely the elected president of our constitutional republic and not the absolute dictator of a banana republic.
As such he’s neither above the law nor able to imprison those whom he regards as his personal enemies.
When members of Team Trump aroused justifiable suspicion by coordinating clandestinely with representatives of a hostile foreign power, these liaisons were then appropriately investigated by loyal Americans performing their sworn duty to defend and protect this country from infiltration by its adversaries.
Law-enforcement investigators following legal procedures within the established system doesn’t constitute either a coup or treason despite Trump’s misinformed claims to the contrary. Instead of making false accusations against others to deflect scrutiny of his own disloyalty, he should be apologizing to the American people for his dishonorable cooperation that made us more vulnerable to our enemy’s attempts to weaken us.
Philip Shoemaker
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