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В Музее Победы ветераны боевых действий встретятся с юными патриотами

Овчинский: Строительство ФОК завершили в районе Бирюлево Восточное

Переговоры делегаций России и США начались в Эр-Рияде

Грузовик наехал на барьерное ограждение на 49-м километре МКАД

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Новости за 19.04.2020

York Mountaineering Club 


Scouting has a great deal to answer for. It has to be the start of it all. Nights under canvas that smelt of must and damp, waking to dawn and opening the brailing letting the air in, fresh with the scents of the British countryside, fried breakfast, long hikes with … Continue reading

The Hindu 

Three liquor shops burgled

Three liquors shops were burgled in two days in the city and bottles worth thousands of rupees were stolen, the police said. They suspect that habitua

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

Lyrid meteor shower to light up Britain's skies with dazzling shooting stars - Mirror Online

  1. Lyrid meteor shower to light up Britain's skies with dazzling shooting stars  Mirror Online
  2. The Lyrid Meteor Shower Will Be Visible In The Skies Tonight  LADbible
  3. Meteor shower to light up Peterborough skies  Peterborough Telegraph
  4. Lyrid meteor shower to light up the West Berkshire skies  Newbury Weekly News Group
  5. Celebrate Earth Day under the stars with one of the oldest known meteor showers  AccuWeather.com
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


Obesity and coronavirus: is obesity a risk factor for Covid-19?

OVER 1.5 million Brits are classed as high risk from coronavirus due to age and underlying health conditions according to the NHS. Those of us that are obese or seriously overweight fall into the group of vulnerable people, but how much of a risk does obesity present? Here’s everything we know. ⚠️ Read our coronavirus […]


Moderating temperatures, April showers in the central Ohio forecast

High pressure that brought Saturday sunshine has moved east, allowing a light southerly flow of moist air to bring cloudiness and spotty sprinkles. A weak cold front will be accompanied by widely scattered evening showers as it sags southeast across Ohio, while a separate southern system brushes the Ohio River counties with light rain. Mainly […]

SoCalSoccer Forum 


I have noticed some Texas parents have been logging in so I created this forum if you would like to be Texas specific. You are always welcome to post Texas info in all forums.


Diabetes type 2 - the best spice to lower your risk of high blood sugar symptoms

DIABETES type 2 symptoms include tiredness, unexplained weight loss, and feeling very thirsty. But you could lower your risk of developing unwanted high blood sugar symptoms and signs by making some small changes to your diet. This is the best spice for diabetes patients to add to their foods.


'The president gets an F': Nancy Pelosi grades Trump on coronavirus testing and calls him a 'weak leader'

  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared on "Fox News Sunday," calling President Donald Trump "weak" and a "failure" for his response to the pandemic. 
  • "Leaders take responsibility," she told Fox News. "So I said he's a weak leader. He doesn't take responsibility."
  • The speaker also gave Trump an "F" for his control of coronavirus testing. 
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is talking out against President Donal Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic. 

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Natural gas leak fire leads to evacuations

A major natural gas leak with a fire in Grand Prairie led firefighters on Saturday to evacuate nearby businesses and residences, the city's fire department said. No injuries were reported. The gas leak occurred at Mayfield Road and State Highway 360. The fire department evacuated people nearby around noon, and about 4:30 p.m., after about 4 1/2 hours, reduced the size of the evacuation area. The new evacuations involved houses on Atrium Drive, between State Highway 360 and Parham Drive; single-family... Читать дальше...

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Use kit bag for lifting these days: Shreyas Iyer

With gyms closed during the nationwide lockdown, athletes are embracing unique ways and means to stay fit. As far as cricketer Shreyas Iyer is concerned, the India middle order batsman is using his kit bag to do the lifting.


Three more cases of coronavirus detected in the Ukrainian army

Three sick Ukrainian servicemen who have been diagnosed with coronavirus in the past day are in health facilities. The health status of patients is satisfactory. Thus, as of April 19, 32 cases of coronavirus were registered in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Of these, 2 people recovered and 2 fatal cases. 300 people are isolated. […]

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Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

OnePlus 8 Pro vs. Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro - Which of the "flagship killers" should you purchase? - Notebookcheck.net

  1. OnePlus 8 Pro vs. Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro - Which of the "flagship killers" should you purchase?  Notebookcheck.net
  2. OnePlus 8 review: 5G and top performance for less  The Guardian
  3. OnePlus 8 Pro Review  MobileTechReview
  4. OnePlus 8 vs OnePlus 8 Pro cameras compared: What's different?  Android Police
  5. OnePlus 8 series’ official Indian prices are here  Techradar
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

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В Музее Победы ветераны боевых действий встретятся с юными патриотами

«Любить друг друга»: Елена Север представила новый чувственный трек

"Уберите его!" Ельцин Центр теперь в Москве. Выгоняет журналистов и глумится над русскими солдатами

Овчинский: Строительство ФОК завершили в районе Бирюлево Восточное

Музыкальные новости

Дэвид Бекхэм собирается продавать шторы и постельное белье в России

AI Певица. Создание AI Певицы. AI Певец. AI Артист.

Собянин рассказал о создании первого в стране кластера лифтостроения

Сбой произошел в работе онлайн-сервисов «Сбера» по всей стране

Новости России

«АиФ» запустил цикл программ «Непобедимые» к 80-летию Великой Победы

Переговоры делегаций России и США начались в Эр-Рияде

От синяков до психотравмы на всю жизнь: куда жаловаться на частный детский сад

Вопросы аналитики и системного анализа в цифровой среде столичного транспорта обсудят в Центре перспективных разработок

Экология в России и мире

«Паруса на крыше» стали официальным представителем проекта «Петербургская кухня»

Концерт Лолиты Милявской отменили в Ульяновске

Рассказ писателя из Арцаха «Колонна длиною в жизнь» стал лауреатом международного конкурса

Трамп неожиданно снизил цены на туры в Турцию для российских туристов на предстоящее лето: туроператоры уже подсчитали их выгоду

Спорт в России и мире

Касаткина вновь приблизилась вплотную к топ-10 рейтинга WTA

Рыбакина узнала свое место в мировом рейтинге после разгрома

Теннисист Медведев: надеюсь, теперь каждый может договориться с WADA, как Синнер

Александрова проиграла Анисимовой и не смогла выйти в финал турнира WTA в Дохе


Пассажирский автобус столкнулся с легковушкой на трассе Р-240 в Башкирии: двое погибли

• https://dusil.org • Dusil Photography

Более 100 км федеральных трасс обновили в 2024 году в Тверской и Новгородской областях

Фототур в Мангистау

Топ новостей на этот час


Из аэропорта Новокузнецка задержали вылеты в Москву и Новосибирск

«АиФ» запустил цикл программ «Непобедимые» к 80-летию Великой Победы

"Уберите его!" Ельцин Центр теперь в Москве. Выгоняет журналистов и глумится над русскими солдатами

Овчинский: Строительство ФОК завершили в районе Бирюлево Восточное