Tottenham Hotspurs' defender Kieran Tripper on Tuesday said he has to accept the way he played this season and believes that he is ready to give everything to help his team defeat Liverpool in the Champions League finals."The season has gone now, I have to accept the way I have played this season, I know I can play so much better. But it's about accepting it, looking back and reviewing it like I always do after every game," quoted Trippier as saying."It has happened, the way I have played. One big game left, if I play I can give everything to the team to help us win," he added.The defender failed to recreate the impressive form he displayed in the FIFA World Cup last year and he was subsequently omitted from the Gareth Southgate's England squad for the Nations League finals.Trippier also suffered from minor injury setbacks and as a result, he missed few matches in March this year."It has been a difficult season with injuries. I have had different types of injuries," Trippier .