The Uttar Pradesh government Tuesday night ordered a magisterial probe into the Barabanki hooch tragedy which has so far claimed 14 lives. The inquiry will be headed by Barabanki chief development officer, an official spokesperson said. The incident has prompted the Yogi Adityanath government to order a high-level probe into all the angles, including the possibility of a "political conspiracy". At least 14 people died and around 40 others were taken ill after consuming spurious liquor in Barabanki district, officials said on Tuesday. Читать дальше...
Raith Rovers are delighted to announce midfield playmaker Regan Hendry as our first recruit of the close season following his release by Premiership champions Celtic. Regan (aged 21) has signed an agreement to join the […]
Japan's Naomi Osaka battled back from a set and a break down to reach the Roland Garros second round on Tuesday while Grand Slam under-achiever Alexander Zverev needed four hours to get through his opener. Top seed Osaka, bidding to add the French Open to her US and Australian Open titles, defeated Slovakia's Anna Karolina Schmiedlova 0-6, 7-6 (7/4), 6-1. However, she came within a whisker of becoming only the second top seed to lose in the first round in Paris in the modern era after Angelique Kerber in 2017. Читать дальше...
TOKYO, JAPAN – Media OutReach – 29 May 2019 – Azbil Corporation (TOKYO: 6845) today announced that it was one of the sponsors of the Nikkei-NUS Enterprise FORUM 2019: “Redefining the Smart City for Inclusive Urban Development – City Innovations,” a forum held at the National University of Singapore on May 28 focused on the development of […]
Jack Gilmore, 23, a New Orleans native, added dishes like shrimp étouffée, fried chicken, gumbo and po’boys to the menu aboard the Nathaniel B. Palmer icebreaker.
So, you want to be a feminist? You've come to the right place. There's no better way to get educated, get angry, get inspired, and get impassioned than by cracking open a book.
Читать дальше...MEGHAN Markle’s half-brother has claimed he is at “the lowest point” of his life after the duchess’ engagement to Prince Harry thrust him into the spotlight without support.
A train pulling into platfrom 6 at Cape Town station at 7.40pm on Tuesday did so with several carriages already on fire.
Leon Bennett/Getty Images
Now that summer has arrived in all her sweaty glory, it is time to dedicate ourselves to maximizing the pleasures this season offers, while minimizing its potential discomforts. One trick: Putting basically any sweet treat into your freezer for a while before eating it.
Читать дальше...The Club are delighted to announce the return of Sam Higgins from East Thurrock United.
The Fresno Grizzlies faced backlash on Memorial Day over a tribute video.
Principal Secretary (Agriculture) C. Parthasarathi has asked seed industry representatives in Gujarat to participate in the International Seed Testing
In The Moment ... May 28, 2019 Show 583 Hour 1 David Zellmer has served two full terms as the Bishop of the ELCA South Dakota Synod. He's no longer eligible for re-election. What does the future hold for Bishop Zellmer? He visits with SDPB's Chris Laughery as he reflects on the last 12 years.
Following Chip Roy
DEAR DEIDRE: I KEEP meeting my ex for passionate sex but I know she’s no good for me. Why can’t she leave me alone? She has hurt me so many times before. We had been together for ten years and were due to start IVF treatment when I discovered she was cheating on me with […]
Tristan Barrass, 13, was filmed on BBC's Our School in 2017, where he spoke about dying his hair yellow - his friend's favourite colour.
John Gary Williams, the lead singer for the R&B vocal group The Mad Lads who sung "I Want Someone" and "Don't Have to Shop Around," has died at the age of 73.
Anthony Rostain and B. Janet Hibbs say college students today face an "inordinate amount of anxiety" — but parents can help their kids cope. Their book is The Stressed Years of Their Lives.
Nobody likes surprises — especially during the summer, which is supposed to be a happy time full of bowling in the arcade, making out under the docks and Tito’s-infused games of old-timey, steel lawn darts. But given how quietly summer TV shows tend to get cancelled, it’s easy to forget that a few of your […]
Dominic Raab has been mocked online for "hilarious" Tory leadership video pitch with the central message of "fairness."
They've been together for nearly two years.