Indian Super League champions Bengaluru FC, have signed Indian Arrows' players goalkeeper Prabhsukhan Singh Gill and midfielder Suresh Singh Wangjam. Gill signed a one-year deal while Wangjam signed a two-year deal.Gill stated that he cannot wait to join the club and improve himself."I've only heard good things about Bengaluru FC and I can't wait to begin pre-season with this team. To be in the company and share the pitch with players like Sunil Chhetri and Gurpreet Singh Sandhu is something I am looking forward to because I stand to learn a lot and improve myself," Bengaluru FC official website quoted Gill, as saying.Whereas, Wangjam is looking forward to making the most out of this opportunity."Everyone knows that Bengaluru FC has been a successful team for a number of years and for me to have the opportunity to be a part of that journey makes me very happy. Almost every player I have come across has expressed their desire to join this club and I am really excited to get this ...