Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi saying that he washed the feet of sanitation workers just like Lord Krishna washed the feet of his friend Sudama.Addressing four election rallies, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, said: "In Kumbh Mela at Prayagraj, Modi ji washed the feet of sanitation workers just like Lord Krishna washed the feet of Sudama."Listing the work under the reign of Prime Minister Modi, Adityanath said, "Whatever welfare scheme we have implemented so far, we did not discriminate people in the name of caste and religion. These were implemented in the interest of the poor."Mocking Samajwadi Party President Akhilesh Yadav, Adityanath asked, "Will you elect those who stole water taps?"Taking a jibe at grand-alliance of SP, BSP and RLD, Adityanath said, "The elephant is riding on the bicycle, its tyres would get punctured."Appealing for votes in favour of BJP candidate from Gorakhpur, Ravi Kishan, the UP ...