HBO's hit drama series debuted its second-to-last episode, "The Bells" on Sunday evening. From Daenerys Targaryen's sharp turn towards a dark path to the epic "Cleganebowl" fight and death of Cersei and Jaime Lannister, it was a packed 80-minute episode.
Keep reading for a look at the most important details you might have missed on the latest episode of "Game of Thrones."
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Signaling the dark turn the Mother of Dragons was about to take, showrunners Benioff and Weiss selected a set of seven lines from previous episodes which all showed the internal conflict plaguing Daenerys.
We heard quotes from Dany's best advisers over the years, as well as a few choice lines spoken by her enemies or, in the case of Aemon, relatives she never met.
Here's every line and the episode it was pulled from:
In tradition with this season's ever-changing opening credits, the gates of King's Landing got a small upgrade for the start of "The Bells."
Two small scorpions (those massive, dragon-slaying crossbows) popped up on either side of the main gate. Those didn't appear on last week's episode, "The Last of the Starks." Now that Daenerys destroyed them all, we're sure the credits will change yet again for the finale.
Read more: How the 'Game of Thrones' credits have changed each week so far