Dinesh Pangtey has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of LIC Mutual Fund. He started his career as a direct recruit officer with LIC of India in 1984 and has risen through the ranks to this senior position. Prior to taking over as CEO of LIC Mutual Fund, Dinesh Pangtey was Director and Chief Executive Officer at LIC HFL AMC.Dinesh Pangtey has 35 years of experience across private equity, life, pension, group superannuation scheme, and insurance sector. During his stint as CEO with the private equity division of the LIC Group, Pangtey completed an investment of the maiden fund corpus and achieved exit from 4 portfolio companies with an IRR of 22 per cent and returned 79 per cent of the amount drawn from Investors. He strategized the setting up of the new fund under SEBI AIF platform & directly raised 92 per cent of the base corpus. The fund is shortly poised to exhaust the green shoe option and close at Rs 1000 CrHe is a direct recruit officer in LIC at various key ...