Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav on Monday supported Kamal Haasan for his statement against Nathuram Godse saying, the killer of the father of the nation was 'much more than a terrorist'."The person who killed Mahatma Gandhi is way more than a terrorist, he has said nothing wrong," Yadav told reporters here in Gaya.Actor-turned-politician Kamal Haasan had stirred a controversy by asserting that first terrorist in independent India was 'a Hindu, his name is Nathuram Godse.' The chief of political outfit Makkal Needhi Maiam was campaigning in Aravakurichi of Tamil Nadu when he made the remarks."I am not saying this because many Muslims are here. I am saying this in front of Mahatma Gandhi's statue. The first terrorist in independent India is a Hindu, his name is Nathuram Godse," Haasan said.Union Minister Giriraj Singh, on the other hand, slammed Haasan for his statement stating that he had started speaking in Congress' language and alleged that he was trying to falsely .