Rick and Morty and Gravity Falls are two of the more popular animated shows to debut in the last several years. The former may air on Cartoon Network and the latter aired on Disney Channel, but there have actually been a number of Easter eggs that tie the different adventure series' together. This is all thanks to the friendship of their respective creators.
Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland co-created Rick and Morty earlier this decade and saw the animated series debut in 2013. It has become incredibly popular through its three-season run, with fans anxiously awaiting to see what the next 70 episodes of the show will look like under their supervision. As for Gravity Falls, it was Alex Hirsch alone who created the show, which was only on the air for two seasons thanks to the very specific story he had in mind. Hirsch and Roiland are longtime fans and have each lent their voices to roles on each other's shows, but that is just the beginning of the crossover.
In Screen Rant's latest video, we take a look at 10 Gravity Falls Easter eggs that can be found in Rick and Morty. Season 3 of the Cartoon Network series included a scene of Morty Smith carrying the Journal 3 book from Gravity Falls, and was one of the biggest clues that the shows are in some way connected. As many have noticed, inside Journal 3, there is a page that (when translated) says "Rick was here" - a clear nod to Rick Sanchez. This is just the beginning though, so check out the video at the top of this post for more Easter eggs.
Many alien and creature designs from Rick and Morty can also be found inside the pages of Journal 3, as well as a reference to talking chairs that have appeared during Rick and Morty's adventures. But, the connections go beyond just this single book. One episode of Rick and Morty shows a pen, a coffee mug, and a notebook fly out of a portal, and it is no coincidence that Uncle Stan loses these exact same three objects to a portal during Gravity Falls.
There's yet to be any larger crossover between Rick and Morty and Gravity Falls to this point, but hopefully that will change one day. Hirsch may not have any plans to bring Gravity Falls back for additional seasons at this time, but Rick and Morty still has several new seasons of content ahead. And as long as Roiland and Hirsch continue to remain close friends, it is difficult not to imagine more Easter eggs appearing in Rick and Morty - maybe even seeing Dipper and Mabel actually show up for a cameo.