Varun Dhawan shared the release date of his upcoming film 'Coolie No. 1'.The movie will release on May 1, next year. The actor announced the news on his Twitter handle.He wrote Aaj ka Din , Agle Saal Aega Coolie No.1 - Hoga Kamaal !!! Coolie No.1 releases on May 1, 2020 #DavidDhawan #SaraAliKhan @vashubhagnani @poojafilms #1YearForCoolieNo1 #LabourDayVarun is teaming up with Sara Ali Khan for the first time in the adaptation of the timeless comedy 'Coolie No. 1'.The original film, which starred Govinda and Karisma Kapoor in the lead, was directed by Varun's father and filmmaker David Dhawan.David will direct the upcoming film and it will be produced by Vashu Bhagnani, who also bankrolled the 1995 classic comedy.This will be the second collaboration between David and Varun after the 2017 hit film 'Judwaa 2'.Varun was last seen in the recently released 'Kalank', while Sara last starred in 'Simmba'.