The Lok Sabha election this time is critical as it is about the idea and soul of India, Congress leader Sam Pitroda said Wednesday, as he flagged off a campaign bus of NRIs who will take the party's message to the people in Punjab and Haryana.
Indian Overseas Congress chief Pitroda said the NRIs will reach out to the people, to convince them to vote for the Congress.
"We think we are going to win. We are very confident," he said.
The Indian Overseas Congress members will travel on the bus to various places in Haryana and Punjab for about two weeks.
They will take the message of the Congress to the people highlighting that the BJP has not done anything in the last five years, Pitroda said.
"Look at the manifesto of the Congress party, look at the Congress party's NYAY scheme, look at what has happened to students in education, jobs, demonetisation effect, women's issues," he said.
"This election is very critical. This election is about the idea of India, about the soul of India and the