Cyclonic storm 'Fani' is expected to make a landfall near Balukhand village in Puri district of Odisha, where a yellow alert is in place, on Friday afternoon with a speed of about 175 kmph, Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) said Wednesday."The wind speed before the 'Fani' makes landfall would be about 175 kmph and would pass through Jagatsinghpur, Cuttack (Niali), Jajpur, Bhadrak, Balasore and Mayurbhanj in Odisha before turning towards West Bengal," JTWC bulletin said.As per a forecast bulletin by the India Meteorological Department (IMD), 'Fani' moved northwestwards with a speed of about 10 kmph in last six hours and lay centred about 680 km south-southwest of Puri and 430 km south-southeast of Vishakhapatnam.The state government has cancelled all leaves of doctors and health staff up to May 15 to deal with any possible situation. Those who are on leave have been asked to report back to respective headquarters by Wednesday evening.All state universities and colleges coming under ..