Union Minister of State for Home Hansraj Ahir said the government will learn lessons and ensure that incidents like Wednesday's blast carried out by Naxals in which 15 policemen were killed in Gadchiroli do not recur.
Ahir is MP from Chandrapur which borders on Gadchiroli in eastern Maharashtra.
"We have yet to get complete information about the incident. As per preliminary reports, QRT (Quick Response Team of state police) was going a place where torching of vehicles (by Naxals) had taken place," he said.
"We will definitely give a befitting reply, but will (also) take lessons from this incident and take care that such incidents do not happen again," said the Union minister.
"Gadchiroli police had been very successfull in the fight against Naxals. We see this incident as a challenge. How and what happened will come out after investigation," the BJP leader said.
The Central government has always been willing to provide weapons and other necessary equipment to police, he .